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Posts posted by RcFab

  1. Hi Juji, can you check brooch level 2 at shadai in chronos please?

    There's no option to get it, there's 0, 1, 3 ,4 and 5, but level 2 there's not, I got some materials to upgrade my brooch but it's missing.

    Thank you.

  2. Hello team.

    I'd like to share my humble opinion about the rythm you guys are going on.

    Some ppl likes changes, others don't, and other's don't (so fast).

    last year we had like 3 ~4 updates, nobody is enjoying the game and the updates, beacause there's no time to enjoy it, it's about mobs renewd lvl, exp, new itens, l2 store, over and over again and there's no time to enjoy it, beacause you guys are running to fast on updates. No money lasts forever and if you guys keep on this road the players are gonna keep going away from the servers. 
    1 or 2 like used to be, pleasant patch note with marvelous stuffs to enjoy on store and in game and lvl limit change for year was okay, but now, we are running so fast that I'm afraid that i'll be left on the middle of the way, like so many others players did.
    I rememmber when lvl limit was 99 and it was keep on that way for a long time till next change, a lot of ppl used to enjoy, pvp, siege, olympiads with equal lvl and it was fun, it was fine, but now, i'm having seconds thoughts beacause nobody's never hiting the last level and the game reach another max level limit, again, changing the mobs nível. 

    This new olympiad system suck as hell, 1~2 minutes per fight against evis who can stays forever on SM with double time, ISS on perma polymorph (again), isn't enought transform+petrify +topaz 100%? I don't even want to talk about archers on super m.def and that debuff reflect or tanker in perma UD...

    Nobody like to play like as fool, those shilen SA's that can overtake (debuff immunity)? How's that even possible that you guys allowed such thing like this.

    Sorry if i'd be rude, it's not my goal here, just sharing my humble thoughts over the game.

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