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Posts posted by Rigormortiss

  1. Im sure the raid boss would be the only mob still alive and nothing would change...

    They won't do a thing about it... there is only 2 things we, the users, can do:

    1) Stop buying adena 

    2) Make PK party with your friend and kill all those bots. You gonna summon some of the top ranked players to protect their interest, but that's where the fun starts.

  2. Well... we all know it ain't gonna happen anytime soon.

    This game has no support from both devs and publishers. The whole project is a standalone cash grab they made and forgot about, who keep getting them very good revenue by the way, don't get fooled. For the amount of development and maintenance this project has they are making a huge profit.

    How do I know? I work in the video game industry since 2009, in localization and production so I can take a very accurate guess at what's the story behind the scenes.

    Also what do you expect the admins to do? They are nothing more than community managers, pretty much comparable to a call center employer and I don't really think their morale or dedication for their job is at their highest or possibly it never was.


    Nobody really cares about this game or this server and you can see it clearly if you step in as a new player.

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