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Posts posted by Pivicka

  1. Hello!

    I have been experiencing the same problem. I just couldnt craete an account via creation manager. I was getting the same message all the time: U are not authorized to create account.

    I triend all browsers I know but nothing helped. It seemed like if NCSOFT dont rly want people to start playing L2...

    I eventually managed to cretae an account on my sisters computer using mozilla firefox. The next day my account was blocked. I contacted the support team and got this message:

    Kimly (NCSOFT)

    Jan 15, 2021, 13:28 PST


    Thank you for contacting us.

    We have reviewed this account and found it participating in, or directly associated to, high risk or malicious behavior. In an effort to maintain a safe and fun environment for all of our players, this account has been closed and is ineligible to be reopened for any reason, under any circumstance.

    The decision to close this account is final. As such, any further replies or new support tickets regarding this account or issue may not receive a response.


    NCSOFT Support Team

    Unbeliaveble rly... ty NCSOFT!!


    Anyone have any advice? if no ima have to give it up...

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