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Posts posted by Jackal

  1. I'm a quite avid gacha player, but I do have a lot of love for mmorpgs (I've played MiR, L1, L2, WoW (pre cata stuff) and so on...


    So, at the very beginning of Aden server release, and of what it offers, I was very stoked. It *SEEMED* that this version would follow a mobile game general rules, where there are a lot of bonus and free stuff to keep F2P players happy and able to compete (to some degree) as long as the F2P players give in their efforts.


    So I dropped $50 on my main account on Aden server, bought some stuff that I think those items would last (bracelets, gems, etc..). Sure I understand it is small money, and so I expect myself not to rise to the top in a blink.


    But boy was I wrong and disappointed. With each updates, each SINGLE updates, Aden server feels like a grab and run. It's removing all the accessibility of what a F2P player can do, and it is demanding more and more from the paying players. This is pretty sad. Without F2P players to support eh community, pay customers would have less people to play with, thus making each of their topup seem less and less valuable. I feel that at this point, even many playing players feel that they're trapped, don't know if they should top up more to compete, or ditch this sinking ship as soon as possible. There's so many players who SINCERELY zealous about L2, but whatever the reason are, NC seem very $$$ hungry and just want to milk last bits of their IP as much as possible.


    This is just pure sadness. I mean, after L2, Aion, and B&S, what else do you actually have to milk our long time supporting players, NC? Quite a shame, and now my accounts are just hanging by a ting thread and I would really just stop playing at any given moment at this point.


    For any business men (or women), you really gotta understand the importance of customers and actually cultivate your customers instead of milking their wallet. Look at your own successful product such as GW or GW2, there's so much you could learn to do something to show us some faith that you really consider "CUSTOMERS FIRST" ideology. 


    I don't even think this post would survive, but GL now everybody.

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