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Posts posted by kaleilas

  1. Well I don't believe this is getting better by the opposite.
    To be honest the rate  and some particularities of the system, recalls me the old times on C1 (yes I am that old), only missing dropping adena when you die sometimes lol, what is a bit pathetic.  I am currently with +680% at 64 and each mob gives around 0.01 (white mobs), what makes me wondering if the normal rate is even showed on the % on XP bar..
    I want to play.. not to bot (sorry but auto play is nice, but really recalls me of the bots xD) neither play on a server full of them (legal or not)

    Anyway, i don't think many will stay  playing if something don't change dramatically (not repeating what everyone already mention before).

    But is kinda disappointment.. specially because of the expectations created by the announcements.
    Regarding solo, well did my transcendent Dungeon 2x = 20 min, got nice XP (not omg considering the boosts I had, but again is only 20 min per day.. So the rest of time we do what? Auto play and log in another game? :P


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