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Posts posted by Rakin

  1. 5 minutes ago, Undefined said:

    ¿Estás loco? Si juego en mi casa, ¿NADIE MÁS puede jugar en la misma red? ¿Mis hermanos?

    ¿Qué pasa si juegas en un centro de juegos?


    Entiendo tu frustración, pero eso definitivamente no es una opción, además, la gente puede usar VPN y simplemente dejaría a la gente fuera de servicio, más de lo habitual y seguirían haciendo multiboxing de la misma manera.

    My main idea was to imply that there is no need to use multiaccounts and that the pjs as buffers or sws bd are more recognizable.

    I understand your point and why it is not done, but maybe someone could find a solution to get that game mode.

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  2. They should create a server where the use of multiple accounts is prohibited, only one account per IP. Then each profession would be from the heart, you would play with more people and therefore it would be more fun.  Don't you think it would be more fun watching the crowded discord channel? The supports would be much better valued.

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