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Posts posted by Desh

  1. 15 hours ago, XxArmindaxX said:

    Unfortunately, this game has lost its greatest charm, which was finding mobs to spoil or drop and equip yourself.

    It's a game for the rich and no real money you get nothing and since it's free with no account limits there are many who have thousands of accounts and reopen the free events and you'll have almost zero chance of getting anything

    also in Naia there are no longer healing tanks or support since it has been based on a game of yul and feoh the xp adena on top of everything

    if you want an afk game while enjoying your time and don't mind spending 1000 euros a month this is your game


    15 hours ago, TheBuffer said:

    Lineage 2 Classic is dead and full of bots. No active players. 

    Aden is the Essence version (something like a mix from live and classic). If you google search l2 essence you will see what Aden is. Also, aden is same as live, you leave your char afk to xp and it's pay2win BUT the difference with live is that you will get pk, a lot. 

    That's depressing as shit to hear. Grew up with it and detached from it when GoD came out. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Mete said:

    it's an AFK grinder (game now has a built in bot function) that may or may not be fun once you get to end game. The game has multiple systems (jewels, artifacts, agathions etc) that you will have to pay rl money to acquire, and a massive amount of grinding for exp, adena etc. It's kinda like a mobile game you run in the background and check on 2-3 times a day, and occasionally dip into your wallet to help gear your character.

    If that sounds fun to you, Chronos is generally the better populated server that has a decent market. Naia is predominantly people trying and failing to F2P, with a dead market.


    51 minutes ago, TheBuffer said:

    If you want to have fun in this game get your wallet ready to spend endless amount of dollars for XP and vitality maintain pots to level up, then more endless money to get items. Nothing can be farmed in the game anymore like it used to be (for example to get gear from raids), in order to get items you must pay rl money to l2 store (which is basically a casino, you play with chances) or buy adena like most players do and then buy the item(s) you want from other players.

    Then like Mete said above, you just leave your char afk 24/7 to auto farm.

    If you wanna login in the game for free go for it, till 105-106 lvl to see how the game has changed over the years, otherwise, if you are not willing to spend real money and leave your char afk xp, don't bother logging in at all :D and yes, Chronos is the best server compared to Naia. 

    That's a shame. What about Lineage 2 Classic and Aden? What is Aden?

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