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Posts posted by Stormrage1581

  1. 1 hour ago, Juji said:

    The Dev team is aware of the mission issue and are currently investigating. We do not have an ETA at this time, but I will update this thread as soon as we have more details on a fix.

    Investigating what ? Is it a murder case ? I've been playing games for 20 years and I don't believe I've encountered worse dev team. 

  2. This new PK system is just unfair and unbearable. Naturally, the clan with the highest amount of spenders is fully abusing it only because NCsoft isn't taking any action. What is the logic behind allowing PKers teleport freely anywhere? What is the logic behind having your items drop when a PKer kills you? Why should he restore his items with just a few adenas? You can't contest any boss in any event. You can't leave your toon to auto-farm overnight because you will ALWAYS get killed. You literally can't do anything because all areas are PvP zones and you will always get killed. Restore the old PK system because this server (Elcadia) will die out like so many others before. 

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