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Posts posted by Drey

  1. OK Here's my feedback on the update.

    It's another broken update. The updates are balanced on the Korean playerbase (I assume). We are nowhere near the Korean playerbase in terms of equipment. Your financial model of hunting whales is broken. You price gouge your player base (18 year old game demands 8000 USD/EUR per character and per class (because of course forgotten skills are class not character bound)to learn forgotten skills is laughable). 18 year old game demanding a player spends 10s of thousands of USD/EUR just to be able to progress is also laughable. You MUST introduce the Einhasad shop, with reasonable prices, and give people access to the means to progress in game at a reasonable cost. You 've been trying the let's  force them to pay exorbitant prices on gamble events for everything model and it has failed. Whales won't save you if what happens now keeps happening. What is happening? Simple. Nobody plays anymore outside of exp events. In time people will just forget to login, and with that the whales that sustain your income will stop logging in.

    The game economy is completely destroyed, and has been for months. You constantly starve mid level players of ways to earn equipment to progress, unless they are willing to drop 10s of thousands of dollars on your random loot boxes. Yes I understand you have to make money and nothing is free in this world, but it's absolutely ridiculous to expect people to spend new car levels of money just to play.

    In terms of the practicalities of the update. It's a fail. Monsters were rebalanced (to take into account the equipment of the average Korean player). What that translates into in our territory is a choice. You can continue to exp in the same area you used to exp before the update, but you need a full party to do what you were doing solo. You can drop down to mobs that are one level from turning light blue, or you can spend 10s of thousands of USD/EUR to get 3-4 upgrades that maybe will allow you to do what you were doing before the update with 3 man party instead of full party. NOBODY likes moving backwards in a game.  If you don't understand that simple thing, you shouldn't be in the game industry.

    If you can't balance the game for the equipment the average player in this territory has, you need to provide access to the cheap upgrades the other territories have. Doing neither just breaks the game. You are doing neither.

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