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Posts posted by lineage33

  1. 2 hours ago, mixa said:

    If you don't like the promos, pass on them.Nobody is forcing you to buy or try anything.

     Its not just about promos. I dont care if u spend xxxxx of dollars weekly to get some item. Its about how they made game. Basicly, you can get like 80% needed items only from events. They should make way to get cloack for example, out of promo sales, even if it would be hard as shxxx. 

    2nd thing is quallity, ppl payin so much money weekly, montly to get trash server quallity. We have lags, crashes etc with so low online. Even trash illegal servers run without problems with 3x bigger online than here. There are some priv servers wich have much better quallty of files, servers overall. 

    So pls tell me, from that 78mil dollars global which they made from only l2 live worldwide, we dont deserve at least normal prices in n coin shop or stably connection without lag?

    Ofc nothing will change till we have ppl like u who just say, dont buy it or whatever.

  2. NCsoft made 78mil profit on l2 sales world wide in 2021. Just in one year 78 mil on L2 sales, not counting l2 mobile games which made even more.

    And what we got? never worse servers with lag and online is so low. Max 3k ppl on chronos during mega expensive events and we lag like its 20k ppl online. 

    From all that money, exactly 0 is given to improve l2. 

    And also, they banned 2 of my acc for saying how much money they got. Like north korea, we can say only what they want to hear. Thats what they give u after 17years in game.

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