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Posts posted by ANobody


    8 hours ago, Connex said:

    you are playing a different game my friend!

    get your dex to 107 + and you do not need crit rate SA, as for the rest, getting a skill to +20 is not that expensive, I cannot even afford G Cancer, I roll with +7 and I only "need" ( but not really ) one 5% skill crit on accessories for perma crit.

    p.s. you cant have it all, max insane DPS and a low cost etc... everything comes with a price, look the nerf on the Fortune seekers and to be honest, i'd rather have the old cooldown on AOE's rather than skill crit rate cuz cooldown is a more "rare and expensive" stat compared to the rest, if not the most expensive.

    I wish people spent time ingame figuring out stuff, rather than come to the forums and complain when its not convenient for them.

    I think that is you that is playing a different game!

    I have:
    4 acc with 5% Aug in Skill Rate = 20%
    +7 Cancer Agathion = 7%
    +6 Artifact = 5%
    +10 Kain in Rate = 15%
    Multiple Arrow, Heavy Arrow Rain, Pinpoint Shot and Quick Shot = +20 Focus
    With Honey Dark Beer I can get to 105 DEX

    And still I crit arround 80~85% with R110.

    I had a DW Shooter and could crit 100%. Did a test changing SA from Rate to P.Atk and was criting ~90~95% of times.

    And here is a test from Hyperlite, who has much more gear than me:


    PS.: I could be wrong but I think base skill rate Pinpoint Shot has more rate than our AoEs.

    PS².: I'm not rich to pay for a 2nd prestige for PoM.

  2. 44 minutes ago, Draecke said:

    autmun update with shinemaster class introduction which one can also reroll to through red libra

    And why they did 2 red libras in 2~3 months instead of waiting this update? The change is in the patch, Japan got it + Red Libra and the option was there.
    Why can't NCMurica plan anything besides loot box or price increase?

    Feohs and Summoners now have almost 100% Crit Rate while Yuls need skills enchanted +20 for rate, DW, Rings/Ear 5% (Total 20% Rate) + Agathion + SA to get to 100% and thats because of nerfs EU asked!!!!!!!

    How about go back Yul ORIGINAL rate now, only low/mid players are punished here.

  3. 1 hour ago, Wissp said:

    Game servers will be down for maintenance beginning Tuesday, August 1 at 3:00 p.m. PDT / 10:00 p.m. UTC / 12:00 a.m. CET (August 2) and will be unavailable for approximately 5 hours. We appreciate your patience!

    The following changes will be made to the game during this maintenance:

    • The Spell Caster Unleashed patch will go live!
    • The Spell Caster Unleashed Events will start!
    • The Dragon Treasure Chest promotion will start!
    • The Play Time event will end!
    • The Gran Kain Box promotion will end!

    Class changes, unlock new class for main changes and no Red Libra?

  4. 1 hour ago, Connex said:

    90% of the players cannot fathom the amount of gear it takes to kill stuff, the game is not AFK in Neutral Zone forever! You were "fed" the lie that DK's need less gear etc, but the people that said it, traded top items from their mains to a new DK. Sure it can be easier with a DK but not the way most of you imagine!

    To be fair I'm a Yul, the most gear hungry class in the game, so a DK will be a uprade wathever...

  5. 11 hours ago, MartikaCS said:

    Truly, it’s tiresome seeing an NA server speaking in World Chat in languages different than North America.  Please include a PERMANENT english translation in world and hero chat.  Consider all need to understand…. Quite frustrating.  No one can cut and paste anything into a translator…. You are behind the technology wave.  Please take this seriously. 

    95% of Hero Chat is ppl accusing other heros of boting. 5% is PvP Chat. Just ignore them.

  6. I used to farm points to lv up my DT skills this way since I don't have the power to kill mobs. But 1 month ago is impossible to farm anything. Flowers in Fire DT when you find one a Naian Bot is already getting it, going to a Tree in Water DT is insta find a "noob pt" already killing it ignoring the whisps... Plus the bots killing whisps on the map...

    One more fail content that me and much more legit players can't do it.

    • Like 1
  7. 22 hours ago, GGPSAuth said:

    i mean if you cant farm with all that gear you can send me the items and quit i can do all this with way less gear than you.

    Everyone says it can, yet I don't see anyone proving it without a shit ton of something else gear. Be it with a full party with prestige, full artifacts, full collection or cloak +18. And don't even mention DK, it's a class above everything else.

  8. 6 hours ago, SmokeWeedEveryD said:

    Hi bro , you do something wrong...im a dk 113 and I'm able to play Toi 1and2 since level 111 , dt 112 same but need sws and iss, athelia is tutorial, so check out your setup and auguments, I have +22 limited wep only , some artifacts +4 5x g jels , all charms +7 bloody light +12+11 and 3x +10 ...that's all

    You can't compare anything to DK, they are just too broken...

    I can't bring supp, I wont pay prestige for them, only a dominator. AoE = death and single target take so long to die when CI is not up that is not a decent farm. Besides, archer mobs hit like a truck!
    10h in ToI I make less than 3h IoS double spot.

  9. 7 hours ago, HealFast said:

    4 – Free to Play players:

    Characteristics: They invest time on the game. And for those that invest a lot of time, expect to be like top players with same Goals.

    Goal: Has the same goals like Top and High players. Usually those complains that all this time invested don’t make them top players like old dime. 

    As a f2p myself I won't say my goal is to be on same lv as top, I'm only mad because I think we should be able to do at least same content. I'm not talking about dragons, World Bosses, Hero or anything like that.

    I just think as a f2p players should be able to do things like Aden Instances (in this update 105 is harder than 110) and after some gear up we should be able to do ToI/Atelia/DT. I'm not saying that f2p players should farm same as top, but at least Floor 1, DT 112, etc. and not be locked out of content that's now the main focus of the game.

    I'm a 118 Yul GS with DW1, Bloody R110 +8, full set of greater jewels, couple artifacts +7 and others +4 and still unable to do ToI 1 or farm DT...

    My point is: I'm not expecting to farm ToI 9, but I should at least be able to do ToI 1~3 and DT 112, in which I can't.

  10. TBH, as GS I don't need the new skill aswell, but I play with 2 iss, and they want the new skills really badly...

    To our friend dropping G. Rune Stones in ToI, GZ, ppl on discord are saying it's been 5 weeks now and only 1 of them got 1 drop yesterday. You are really special to get multiple drops so far.

    Skills are not suppose to be a VIP think that only tops have like everything else. I quit Aden because of this cr4p skill book system and only tried again now whit new server and free books from attendance. Don't make live go same route.

    @Hermes Please put Greater Rune Stones on Ncoin (not gamble) OR Craft with normal Rune Stones (NOT GAMBLE) OR put a limited time on all greater rune stones, so ppl use them, sell them or lose them!!!

  11. 14 minutes ago, Hermes said:


    I can't confirm any of these yet, but it seems like there will be improvements for the dual class change weight system too.

    We will see when we get closer.


    What about Red Libra class change option that gives back used Greater Rune Stones?

  12. 1 hour ago, Staroto said:

    Be sure the they will not start new  (whatever) event before this event now and boxes/items from now will not be deleted. 
    Is simple not logical to make 2 event in same time... 

    Not for NA since Anniversary in KR they have arround 11 events at same time...

  13. 1 hour ago, AshesOfAden said:

    If someone is wondering about rates and putting a lot of hopes to finaly improve character, stop dreaming:




    Level 2 5%


    Level 3 5%


    Level 4 5%


    Level 5 3%


    Level 6 3%


    Level 7 2%


    Level 8 2%


    Level 9 1%


    Level 10 1%




    You will need 1kk ice to have a decent chance to make it to level 7~8, 


    Which will cost -100b + 15kk enchanting fee every time you click...




    If someone have a lot of hopes then please dont , unless you just remortgage your house and have spare 10k $ to spend on free event...

    I disagree:


    Looks like 6 to 7 is 0.12%

  14. Q: Game server you play on (Chronos/Naia):
    Chronos / Blackbird

    Q: City and Country where you play from:
    Londrina, Brazil

    Q: Your ISP provider name
    Vivo / Claro (yes, I have 2 ISPs and same problem with both)

    Q: Is your lag problem continuous, or is it intermittent?
    No lag problem

    Q: If intermittent, what is the timeframe where you experience the problem the most (time in PST timezone):

    Q: Problems you are experiencing (please provide as much detail as possible):
    Lots of DC's! I have 6~9 acc in 2 PCs, most dc's from chronos at random times and random acc's (sometimes 1, sometimes all), while in blackbird most of time is World Hunting Zone related.

    Q: Do you use any VPN or Fastping service? If so, which one:

    Q: Did you find a temporary solution to your issue? If so, please share:

  15. I believe in Ando's f2p motivation guide. I saw it. The only problem is that he stayed 2 hole years AFK in Giran with shop before really starting to play.

    So here my 2 cents: if you have friends to play with, just go for it have fun. If you are looking for a "new" game to play, look for something else...

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