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Posts posted by AyayaTaru

  1. Hello fellow lineage2 players, I know this game has many issues or real issues that I might have yet to encounter, and I would love for the experienced players to talk about them in public. However, I'm here to pray to the NC Soft staff, lineage 2 developers, to consider at least a temporary or more permanent solution for the MP issues that some classes have.

    I'm aware that currently we have an assassin doll that steals 3% Mp on chance that some doubt it works and that there's an assassin collection that gives you MP regen, however, even with these items many classes have issues with MP and soon these items will disappear.

    So, what are the options left? for every class to come up with an orfen+2 in a new server? even if World trade opens the access to this item would be scarce or inflated to the point people would still not have access to it.

    Are we supposed to all play SH or Dominator or some other class that is not MP hungry? Is there going to be a real solution to the MP issue? or is there going to be an event that would make a bound orfen+2 accessible like that event antharas doll that can't be upgraded?

    Finally, I have to add that after the assassin doll/collection end their course many people will realize that they picked a class that won't do anything because the lack of MP.

    Best regards,



  2. And we really appreciate the gift being added to l2coin shop, thank you.

    PD: have in consideration some pet food for next gift since its extremely expensive, guardian used to be a server full of cute little animals following players on their adventures and now it has become a rare occurrence because people can't afford pet food on top of daily consumables.

  3. Around 08:20 GMT-4 guardian world crashed, based on my elmoreden's tower time i could estimate around a 10minutes rollback.

    I don't know the implications of this, but some people lost their daily instance, probably good loot or got an extra attempt on enchanting good loot.

    This post is just a report to leave a register of the service failure.

  4. As you are aware Aden service removed 100% resurrections sources from class skills and now we have to pay certain amount of l2coins to restore our experience (1), this cost could translate to a monthly fee of 10usd if you are in a clan in war, a price comparable to other games subscription.

    Additionally, there are instance zones that either require adena or l2coins as entry fees, this fee is lost if for some reason you leave them.

    My question are,

    i)are you okay with paying the forced subscription on deaths done by someone with either more time or credit card?

    ii)are you ok with losing the entrance fee and possibly whole entry due a game disconnection/crash?

    If there is any developer that still reads this forums, i would like to request, first to fix the issue where the restore experience not always work, second to lower the the l2coins cost on restore experience on people that belongs to clans on war as they should not be penalized for enjoying the game the way it was designed and finally to make all instances entry fees a one time fee per day instead of per entry.

    (1):the restore experience not always works, some people have bugged out and lost months of work just to that and because most are not in the endgame they simply don't notice the experience loss.

  5. Something similar happened to me on guardian server 5/6 days ago, contacted support and their final answer contained something about contacting QA and to wait for an Announcement regarding a resolution.

    Another issue someone had was regular craft Showing a +5 A grade-dualsword then the regular craft gave a different dualsword +0 support answer was to report here in the community because they are not involved on the game design.

  6. @WisspL2coin store says that onyx offer expires next week, but this and last announcements speak about it lasting an additional 2 weeks.

    is the onyx giveaway going to be extended or...?

    it would be nice if there was a leveling guide with times/required gear to reach certain levels on a set time on x type of class as a way to set realistic goals.

    currently the game has a magic lamp genie that just says recommended leveling zones, what it does not say is that probably the game is being balanced on characters with certain gear / learned skills, like what is happening on the awakening server, probably the game is being balanced to people with weapons+25 or dragon weapon stage 2 but the reality here is that they can aim for at most weapons+12 or dragon weapon stage 1.

  7. Since every single piece gear comes with a high risk of loss when attempting to upgrade.

    May we get a lil rest with a 1 time account wide 3 star book craft imprinted of choosing? this because some classes require too many books to learn skills, and with 1 or 2 the class becomes from a waste of time to playable.

    So i ask to the developers, NCWEST staff, if something can be done to obtain a third class skill book, as of right now like every piece of gear the current rate to obtain a book by special crafting is 25%/20%.

    It might even make people invest more in their characters since they will now have that one skill that makes their class playable.

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