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Posts posted by hyhywa

  1. Hi ,  i need to know where are dragon cloack why exp grow event over , this is worst libra i ever see in kr they get black ticket and exp event what we get 100% pot exp witch was 1 week extend grow event till others 2 , no greater rune stones make it whit hero coin or exchangable now we have new skill witch no1 learn it if you have minimum 3 chars u need 6 rune stone for lv 1 skill 6 rune stone  price is like you buy dragon weapon ....... no black ticket , only exp event over , no dragon cloack witch you put on update notice and no1 know where they are , new zones 130lv only 3 ppl 120 lv in server when you put pach note from korea give us theit promos , i realy farm 2 years toi i get only 1 greater rune stone for 2 years ... you kidding guys 2 for new sklls 4 year farm for 1 skill well done nc soft , make things farmable or at least put enlished store to be able to change normal rune  for greater like kr server you put same update but here no store to change 20 rune for 1 greater , bring back drops in l2 or server will become empty very soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hi, all i wonder where is our BLACK CUPON where is our DRAGON CLOACK where is our ENLISHED STORE .... 

    Every time i read other pach note at end our server most cutted and nothing for free ...

    Not even BLACK CUPON not even exp event for what u give us libra and zones +10 levels no1 can farm them no items and gear in naia server most poor server on WORLD no pvp after update no pve also ty for great work ..... now we stay in aden and pray for good event but never happen all nerfed from 0.01 to 0.000000001 ty again

    delete more good things from pach note 

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