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Posts posted by xBuzzz

  1. Atm there's literally no point playing without sayhas buff.  The game gives you a good few items at low lvl to keep sayhas going, but  50+ those run out and what you're left with to level is just logging in for 10 minutes each day to do a dungeon, no reason to play any longer, creating a dead game.

  2. They don't understand that for a p2w model to flourish, they need a good f2p model too, otherwise the f2p people leave, and the whales leave also. You need a good f2p model so f2p players stay, and populate the game, which gives whales a reason to spend loads of cash. All the best p2w models do this, but unfortunately these guys, through greed, are just strangling themselves also.

  3. Can't edit previous post. Also the transcendence dungeon. You zone in, talk to the guy and have 5-10 seconds to read and figure stuff out before dozens of mobs run at you to shove a fist up your arse. As a robed class, if you don't have every buff, attack/defense scrolls, potions, hundreds of spiritshot ready, you're going to die fast, and once you die there waits a huge grp of mobs all clumped together which is even harder to kill when you come back in. As a new player, i found this totally unforgiving, with no warning whatsoever, and even if you don't die, if you don't have every xp scroll/buff you have running you're not going to even get 1 level in there. Run wasted for the day.

  4. I get 0.02% xp per mob in Cemetary at lvl 49 with no xp buffs running, thats 5000 mobs for level 49-50. I have xp stuff sure, for now, but in one level grinding, I've used nearly all of my stockpile. 10mil from the magic lamp, which seems to be the most common prize, isn't even a full level.

    The game is going to pretty much lose all new players who aren't clued in on how to stack all xp buffs, dungeons, magic lamp, sayha's buff, for maximum effect. The game does a very bad job of telling new players these mechanics.

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