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Posts posted by zTruffa

  1. 1 hour ago, Sharlanna said:

    Totally are!! +111111111111111111111

    I'm about ready to say screw it. I don't care any more. My crit rate is only 520 (628 with Abund 4). I'm 70 and living on a fixed income. I can't afford all this stuff. Feeling so damn sad and defeated after 18 LONG years and getting 121 for what It's worth! 

    You need to review all your build, like 520 critical rate its for ppl with basic gear, you're 121 and good geared... 
    The old build is useless now, because you dont need more full focus in mcrit dmg, since you can crit 10/10 skills you will kill so much with less skills than before

  2. 2 hours ago, AshesOfAden said:

    Update is alright , nothing significant as I believe ppl were putting hopes that feoh will be new Death Knight , 

    Obviously to feel the update you need items , changing SA like the guy above me said its like tear in the ocean ,

    You will need a bit better items to feel it properly 

    Einhasad Necklase +Pa'agrio earing+eva ring + lv3 or above wings of splendor , obviously artifact m crit skill rate +7 or above ,


    In other words you need gear which is not available or costs mortgage ,

    I have 646 crit rate without POM and tbh it still feels like 30% crit cap when hitting single mob and it meant to be 60% ?

    Its update which requires $$ to feel difference , so kind of no difference at the moment after update


    Edit: apart from Einhasad shop I can feel difference after update everything is more expensive now.

    Not true... If you really have 646 crit rate without pom and feeling like you criting just 30%, you need to see again... im 100% sure that you criting even more than 30% 😄

  3. 2 minutes ago, Connex said:

    I really do not know what class you play what gear you have and how much adena you make per month.

    By now everyone that is not on the top 10% or does not want to spend money, they should just mind their own business, if they like the game, they can farm adena and prices will go down for such items.

    It is your personal choise to "cancel the prestige" but if you take the emotions out of it, you can just keep on farming ( asuming you have the capability) and in a few months, you will be able to buy what you want.

    80% of the server if not more will ignore the event, cuz a) they will not spend 300$ for a 5% to get a limited armor, or b) they do not farm as much adena to "try their luck"

    it will be a while until all this affects me or 80% of the server, 60% of the server does not even know how the game works or how to make proper progress.

    It really should be: 

    Is this event for me?
    Yes -> ok ill participate ,
    No -> fk it... back to farming.

    its not like there is a huge difference in gear already.... oh wait! there is!

    Anyway this is how I see things... Its a matter of prespective.

    If they keep with that SCAM, not even the most rich player in l2 gonna play events,

  4. 18 minutes ago, PlzSt4NdUP said:

    Good afternoon,

    I would like to understand and that some GM / STAFF explain why the complication in finding, farming, dropping or crafting a greater rune stone??? This should be a "basic" item for the character's initial construction, since the skills that use them are present at lvl 110, which today is a "beginner" lvl in the game...

    What is the reason for the developers to make this item difficult!? I don't see any sense in that...

    The chances of a drop in TOI and other locations are ridiculous, events aren't coming out... many players have already complained about the matter and nothing, no GM/STAFF taking a stand?

    @Hermes @GM_NCA@GM_dufo@GM_EVA

    Yeah, GM's need to take a look on this! when in the History of Lineage a basic and core supply gets that expensive and hard to get? Like it's not even a fresh item, the skills exists for more than 2 years, not even on the release of 101 skills on the past was that hard to get... LF NEWS!


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