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  1. I came back to this game after a long, long hiatus -- so long that I had to create another account and start a new character from level 1. While the visuals improved immensely and many places I new remain the same (or at least their named do -- I haven't visited them just yet), I feel that something was missing. As I said, I created a new level 1 character and, after 2 hours playing, I'm already level 85. When I first started playing Lineage II, if I remember correctly, it took me about a week to reach level 20 and some three weeks to reach level 40 (I don't remember if I leveled too much over level 40... it was more than 15 years ago), and the class quests were more challenging. I did the quests now and one strike and the monster is down. I hope there are more challenging quests later on. I'm more of a PVE player and I love this aspect of Lineage II.
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