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Posts posted by YetAnotherSummoner

  1. 44 minutes ago, Geo22 said:

    When character creation will be reenabled just check who will create many accounts/chars and ban hammer ... and miracle will come: no more lag on servers!

    For what reason. While I personally dont bother with it I reckon i could knock out 12 chars per day 1-105 to sell for mentee from 2 PCs - if they are removing creation theres nothing in the EULA that says I cant create the 84 chars I could make between now and the next maintainence.

  2. 7 hours ago, -Madonna- said:

    Ah my prestige was bought when thei announces new hardware machine and when was up i had changes extremely positive my atkspeed and i start trust them again happy, then i damn regret that coz i discovered lag incoming again!

    Then use this as a life lesson to excercise patience rather than spend an amount you might later regret on something.

  3. 1 hour ago, ShrodingersCat said:

    8-12B a day? That's laughable actually. I know people who do 20+ a day. All you have to do is make 4 archers and trade gear. Each archer makes at least 1B an hour.

    Feoh cannot do what archer there does. Archer easily does 1b, feoh with TOP gear can do 750-900m an hour, which still is a lot. 

    Don't worry, balance is coming. Tyrr next update gets a big boost, just not big enough to cover the damage that has already been done.

    No yul without augmented weapon or a stage 2 weapon is making 1b an hour "easilly"

    Even with top everything and a dragon bow if your forgotton skills arent also done on these lvl 110 alts then you arent breaking 950 before lag reduces it even further.

    If your gonna make a post like this at least be semi accurate.

  4. They should do a banwave for those stupid enough to have started using again because its pretty clear some have. However the problem is not nearly as rife as the amount of people ur clan accuses on a daily basis. Use of a simple /target line in a pve macro warrants accusations from you guys and is just as pathetic as those who need this software to play.

  5. Not 2 weeks before this we had both rose/dragon pot packs in the store and the current event also contains roses. Exp runes were drastically reduced in price to a more appropriate level./ The server needs to make "steady" income somehow reducing these packs further helps no one. If people suddenly fly up in lvls with drop rate this poor then all they will do is outlevel the zone with insufficient gear to move to the next.

    GM Buffs on the other hand would be appreciated. With last weeks debacle of both disconnects/lag spikes/mob respawn delays - to put the buffs in naia (mainly euro based) online only at 12-2am euro time and not return was pretty poor.

  6. 4 hours ago, Klayton said:

    So explain this to the administration via ticket, because I questioned them about the drop of items, because only adena falls and very few items. I was asked if adenas was falling, I said yes, but the reason for getting drop and prestige runes would be for the items rather than the adena. I received the answer that if it was falling adenas the runes were working as it should, because adena is also an item. I am very old in the game, I have experience and arguments based on discourse directly with managers.

    The fact you state take this up with administration via ticket shows you either didn't read or didn't understand the msg you quoted.

    Ticket support system is outsourced for over 1 year now. The first line support is no longer direct NCSoft GM's who understand with total accuracy how each game and their system intricacies works. Since the Maphyr Rune introduction it is the only in-game item to influence adena from mobs.

  7. 10 hours ago, Klayton said:

    kakakakakaaka ... Adena is not an item ??? question this to the administration. because according to her is yes! I do not judge you because you must be a beginner, you must be living in a world parallel to the other players to talk so silly my noble young. Tell players which location you are earning from the 90% chance! so far many are upset about not getting so prone.

    Your wrong - adena+spoils are purely only influenced by maphyrs rune/server settings - there is no rune/item in game which influence adena drop chance

    If you have received a different answer via petition then you've unfortunatly become aware NC have long since outsourced there support department and few of these will be aware of the nuances of certain game mechanics.

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