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Posts posted by emmjay

  1. On 4/20/2022 at 1:20 PM, Arctic said:

    Hi everyone,
    We wanted to take a moment to thank you for your comments and feedback. Since we sent your feedback to the development team, we’ve received some new changes which we hope will soon be able to be applied to Classic.
    First, the team would like to reduce the respawn time in low-level hunting zones (Plains of Glory, War-Torn Plains, Silent Valley) to help players reach 76+ more quickly. We would also like to overhaul the growth range by giving out a large XP-boost buff to those who complete level 21 quests.
    For players over 76, we have two changes in mind. First, we’d like to adjust the balance in 76+ Hunting Zones like Wall of Argos, Garden of Eva, Forge of the Gods, and Wind Plateau. We would also like to allow BM drops in addition to L2Coin drops in Hunting Zones to make Hunting Zones more appealing to all players.
    We hope these are welcome changes, and that they meaningfully help with the concerns you’ve been expressing. If the new features and balance changes do not alleviate the issues, please let us know so that the team is aware!
    Thank you for all your support and feedback, and we look forward to seeing what you think of the changes coming to Hunting Zones.

    this simply blows me away.....

    do you not understand that for 2 years we have been playing in the same zones. You recently nerfed those zones and now we cannot earn enough adena to support leveling. You have not introduced any new areas for us to hunt and explore. And now you are telling the people who have been here since the beginning that were just going to fix a few areas that we broke a long time ago and reintroduce drops we took away. You are adding nothing. You are giving us nothing new. All you have done is take take and take....the only reason im still here is because l2aden is a joke....

  2. Juji,

    Seriously my man. 3 weeks now and the money is running dry. This is unsustainable. With no drops and no adena what are we supposed to do to buy consumeables? You introduced these new drops which when clicked on give you 5 soulshot tickets. wtf is that going to do? 

    What are you going to do with our stats you took away from vip? You have nerfed our characters and nerfed our adena. When the event stops and we lose all the crazy stat buffs you gave us we are going to be in a world of hurt where we cant even farm. We have spent billlllllions of adena gearing toons to be able to survive on toi and they are all getting nerfed come the end of the event.

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  3. NCSoft nerfs adena in toi by 80%. Then decides to increase the nerfed rate by 50%. Did you do any math here NCSoft? The new rate still doesnt cut it at all. Dont you understand the cost of leveling in toi? Not just the day to day costs of spiritshots and spiritores but the cost to actually build a toon that can farm there? You have nerfed all our stats from VIP and when the event ends and we dont have venir 24 and cats eye level 5s what going to happen? What were you thinking? Not only did you completely nerf all of us who kept paying the bills at VIP10 you didnt even supply any new content. No new areas for nukers. no new areas for anyone. nothing new. just nerf nerf nerf....and you wonder why people are leaving. We have spent many thousands of dollars and stayed pretty darn loyal and this is how you treat your customers?


    Comeon JUJI. I know you arent out of touch. But you gotta fight for us and give us something here. and remember increasing drop rates by 300% does nothing if the drop rate is still 1%. all it does is make it 3 percent. You need to increase drop rates and drop AMOUNTS to matter. simple math 

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  4. this has got to be one of the most ridiculous things ever done.

    When you started this version of the game you limited it to 3 clients. Ok those are the rules. No big deal all my buddies are in we all doing the same thing. Everyone is happy

    Then you go pay to win and remove the 3 client limit. All my buddies quit im left playing the game by myself.

    Then you introduce an in game hunting feature that automates gameplay. Sweeeeet. I set up characters make all kinds of new toons and classes and run up to 23 clients on one pc. Not to sell adena but purely for my own enjoyment. I get all these characters levels of vip and then,,,,

    You decide to limit this down to 10 clients per pc? Are you shitting me? I have one pc its a good one. it has multiple monitors I dont have a need for multi pcs. But here you go changing the rules mid game that affects absolutely everyone and has no bearing what so ever on servers. It just affects our enjoyment of the game and what we have worked on creating all kinds of different toons and classes. You even run an event that makes people want to have 40 clients. You offer free baium talismans to everyone who is level 80....so everyone rushes their toons to 80 and then weeks later you drop this hammmer?

    Now I have to go buy another pc? Or i simply run a virtual machine on the same pc. Why would you simply inconvenience your customers? Why would you make us purchase more hardware to enjoy the game we have spent countless dollars on? All for naught. cause now i cant play the way YOU TOLD ME WAS OK! I SPENT MONEY ON MULTIPLE TOONS CAUSE YOU SAID IT WAS OK!

    Other than make this game pay to win this was the biggest blunder i have seen yet

    • Like 2
  5. I always say to businesses get what you can get...the whales will always pay...but what if you enticed enough dolphins to buy in...wouldnt the health of the game increase? whales eventually get tired of playing and disappear. Whales are hard to find. i guess without knowing what people actually spend on this game we cannot make any rational decisions. But to expect everyday people to pay 125 a month per character just to be competitive? Not quite sure that is a good marketing strategy.


  6. it is amazing how everything you have added to this game is hidden behind a pay wall. A grade armors and weapons? How do we craft them? You have basically eliminated the dwarf class. So instead we are relegated to a few raid bosses and yep pay 2 win boxes. S grade weapons and armors? 99.9% behind a paywall. who does 4 sepulchers except for a select few whales who were able to p2w their gear? you have decimated the drop system. you have to have a superb party in a most difficult spot that provides the worst xp imaginable and hope for non existent drops and adena. And the best xp places there are no drops at all. there is no way to make adena other than to buy it from farmers who farm places that are level 22. Haha how much sense does that make? the best adena farm in the game comes from ROA? really? and you wonder why so many bots are there. everything cool in this game is hidden behind a pay wall that involves gambling your real life money over your monthly boxes. You sucked us in with the promise of your old glory and completely lied to us. bait and switch at its finest. clean it up nc soft. make lineage2 great again

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  7. We are hitting max level with no real way to progress our toons. There are no drops and no adena and therefor do not have the money to invest in the scarce expensive a gems and cloths. many of us are using c grade and b grade to fight level 82+ mobs. There is no efficiency in this game anymore and all you do is take away ways to make money in the game in the hopes we will buy your gambling boxes to sell for adena. I get your model but all you end up doing is turning people away from the game. Why arent we looking for ways to lure people back to the game by providing an experience that is fun and challenging not repetitive and unrewarded. Please look at all the great suggestions here and listen to the community you have left. I havent seen anything wrong with what these people have asked for. Your player base is your livelihood. Without it you have to find a new job

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