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Posts posted by Xentech

  1. On 12/08/2018 at 7:51 PM, Draecke said:

    let's make a list:

    1. there are many archers & mages, way more then dreads / titans
    2. mages are liked cause of snare and their faint stun - doesn't need any gear
    3. stacked mages have the above plus good aoe dps
    4. 101+ archer with decent gear does alot of aoe dps, stacked archers do insane aoe dps - they can duo altar instance and duo aoe xp elven really fast
    5. dreads do not have good dps not even when stacked compared to equally geared mage/archer, titan does but doesn't quite have the same survivability & dps sustainability
    6. most important: ppl are lazy and go with is easiest to find to get an XP party going, see first point
    7. marketing, you don't find Tyr's on youtube - only stacked mage/archer fraps
    8. mob control, any tank can mob control better then Tyr's

    this list is serious as I play a stacked Tyrant myself and archers with the same gear as me can kill faster & more mobs at the same time at the moment, there's a nerf incoming for archers that may change all of this so let's see in 2 weeks how that balances out.. same for mages as many mobs get updated with increased resist of their stun debuf.

    long story short l2store gear at end game boost certain classes to crazy levels that it removes any kind of class balance as for example Archers were never supposed to be able to AOE dps solo with just an ISS as healer

    average parties are defi better off with a Dread / Titan when going for 1+hr XP sessions but yeah perception these days is against it

    Hello, since almost 1 year has passed can you do an update for tyrr dreadnought and other tyrrs in pve, pls. 

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