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Posts posted by Chocapic001

  1. 52 minutes ago, Connex said:

    Im from Blackbird, we fight in PG over the raids basically we are enemies, if you want to call me a fan so you can feel less incompetent go ahead, this does not change the fact that what you said was something along the lines of " you guys have a lot of active players and are able to farm and we cant but what the point to continue playing ??? i don t know , fighting u , i tried , it s a waste of time , i can t even farm more than 1-2 hours."

    L2 is a game where you NEED to do a few simple steps and NONE of you even try to do so. In the first drop you get there is drama of who will get it, and once you get it, you either stop showing up or turn around and sell it. That is the major reason huge alliances fail from day1. All of you can press buttons. ill give you that, all of you can point and click but once you start doubting the drop distribution, the game is lost. ( some do not even share loot, but for the most part it is why you establish an alliance of 2-3-4 clans)

    plz  ,  don t try to explain what l2 is , i am fighting RMters since the start of l2 in 2004 ! i was on bartz and top RMT boys was chinese . " rang rang pk pk " xD

    so when i say , " this guy bot " or " those guys are doing RMT " it s like 100% true. 

    who is the incompetent ?  ❤️

    i dont  care to die on rb , killed by "legit" players but they don t and that s why i am sad and i was questionning myself if it s fun or not to continue playing.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Connex said:

    pet books are expensive, what do you mean? just cuz you need one, you should get it for 10m? what kind of twisted logic is this? even if a random person got it somehow, it would sell it for the same if not a higher price.

    top clans are called top clans for a reason, if you want to blame it on "botting" go ahead, but the vast majority of the players live in their own little world when it comes to L2, its like they are incapable of thinking at all.

    take you for example, you put "some" money on your char, others may have put more than you, now what? the server is 2 months old, i would assume that you are not in a top clan, so tell me what was your goal when you started L2 Aden?

    (i am not defending Innis by any means, just in case you say something like that)

    u really don t understand what i tried to say but i don t blame another "epidemic" fans.

  3. 14 hours ago, Innis said:

    I would like to even disagree but you guys keep barking nosense all day long in global and now even in forum. 

    We are waiting for proofs of Frankie RMTing items since day1. 0 proofs were posted in the latest...60 days? 

    We came to Aden/Elcadia server as a group of 40 players, we had our first wars after few hours into the server against clans i can't even recall right now but one: GoodFellas. 

    The guys organized an ally of 3 clans to fight us. They died and disbanded after 2 days. 

    We free farmed raids and epics, then they tried to remake the ally. Disbanded again after 2 days. 

    Crybabies keep saying one spent thousands and thousands of euros into game when you cannot do that in any way. P2W items are limited in numbers. 

    Like this event currently going on: 75 euros on L2 Coins and 75 on NCoins = 150 euros. The same was possible with the other boxes: 3 boxes per 3 different kind so 9 boxes for Lcoins (3 for agathions, 3 for brooches and 3 for XP) + 9 other boxes for Ncoins (3 for agathions, brooches and XP, again). How much is that? 450 euros in total if you want to buy ALL the boxes. 

    We're quite far from hitting even ONE thousand euros, imagine "thousand and thousand". And the same amount of euros can be spend by any other player, it's not exclusive for Epidemics. The difference is that we have organization and we aint pussies that run away from fight or are scared of PVP.

    We've been PVPing inside Primeval garden against basically the whole blackbird since we dominated TWO clan and they had to ask for help to their own enemies (can you imagine how desperate and how degrading is to crawl to the guys you call "favela warriors" and "poor 3rd world people" to ask for help? xD), we did A LOT of pvp there and even the days we lost both raids cause they were 70-80+ vs 50, we still went and fought untill the end. Unlike you and unlike them when they get rekt. And during those days we were even wiping them over and over, but it's impossible to dps raid AND pvp so many players at the same time.

    This is the difference between us. We know how to play and we play the game. You have 0 clue how to play a game that is 20 years old and the best you can do is point ur finger while you cry. 

    As for the RMT part is even pointless to say anything: accounts and items on that site belong for the most to ur own allies from Doom/Anarchy clans. Like a certain Dominator, Titan and Zaken sword. ;)

    innis , seriously , all saw your toons botting at cruma , center of rooms ... close combat characters  hitting mobs without moving a single inch.

    i play since the start of l2 and all old players knows that top clans who are fighting like yours for RB and zerg all others again and again on all maps , only because they tried once to kill one RB , are RMT boys. You are farming RB all days , and ooohhhh surprise , a lots of A items are sold on website ... don t say that it s random craft. they came from your clan !

    Why ppl don t report u ? because ncsoft will do nothing like always ...

    Gtz to your clan , u ruined the server economy , that s a fact !

    What the point to continue playing ??? i don t know , fighting u , i tried , it s a waste of time , i can t even farm more than 1-2 hours.

    Now all clan that have no ballz are helping u.

    I wanna evolve my pet but it s impossible , so .... oh yes frankie selling evolve scroll for 200-300KK ... lol

    i am not crying , i am trying to find a reason to continue , i can t atm ... oh yes , i find one : because i put some money into my chars , that s the only one ...

    i am sad , this game doesn t make sense anymore



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