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Posts posted by QiunteBernadette

  1. 53 minutes ago, Draecke said:

    oh am aware you were and oly like dragon raids in the past were quite hard on some hardcore individuals, i recall ppl having to kite dragons for 4~8hrs in the past, but that was mainly a small groups personal choice to do so unlike what we have now with DeThrone content in how it has been pushed out upon the whole player base..

    let's also not forget NC korea on purpose nerfed all xp outside of DeThrone to make that push even harder, before update Fafurion 124 party zone xp was alot more then todays Exection Grounds 126 party zone xp so yeah it's obvious what's going on here but equally obvious that that doesn't work on game servers where the player base is so scattered around many different real timezones

    all I ask here is acknowledgement of that fact from NCWest staff and that they will inform Korea, @Hermes even your own Support team told us many times we need to do this here to be heard and that your office would pass the information on to the Export Regions development team so how hard is it to confirm this is done and the request is being reviewed by them ??

    if you wait for 2 ppl that have 0 clue about the game to anser you then gg,its almost 1 years since @Hermes got the promotion to head admin of the project and we saw 0 QoL updates in our region ,they just copy paste and dont demand for something we ask for, ah i forgot we got a pack per month of 2 days worth of pots cause that would change the lvl gap and gear gap problems we have here,im not mentioning crashes etc . I saw a few ppl on discord telling they would quit max till december and still a few of them are still here, maybe now its the time to say bye-bye to this clueless devs that havent played lineage probably never in their life. A suggestion for @Hermes is to ask or find a few players in game and get in contact with em to seek help or refferance from all different lvls under 110 to 115 or 120+ and with any gear free2play or with prestige etc and ask them what they find as problems in the game or not, there is an active discord with a lot of different players on almost all the range he needs to ask for help or problems that the see as they play the game for 10-15+ years of experience and probably have better understanding what we need in our region to make the game better for everyone.But 99.9% the time they dont even gonna act on anything or even anser us,as they did with the change time of maintance they gonna announce something that its not gonna work once more.

  2. Just give us the dw weapon or fragment exchange options on red libra ,else more ppl will start rage quiting,5.5T for a bow is a meme cant be real with the adena gap at 1T.Economy is allrdy facked up so who cares just drop the dw fragment or standard weapon exchange put a price for 100-150b per fragment or weapon to change em at libra.

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