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Posts posted by Rinthy

  1. 21 hours ago, MrE said:

    Don't return is my advice, unless you want to spend 100k (not even joking) to be even remotely relevant in the game. This is NOT the same game as when you left.. THAT was a great game with bad support and a bad publisher .. NOW? its a HORRIBLE game with quite possibly the most useless support and a 99% absent publisher. It's nothing but pay events, almost nothing drops in game anymore, and the few things that DO? They have turned down SO SO LOW it would take you literally YEARS to make any small progress. You can't enchant anything anymore with any kind of success, you can't make your own weapons or armor. The Exalted armor they updated a year ago that was actually good, they made absolutely 100% useless when the updated the mobs. Run... run away VERY, VERY fast... friends don't let friends play lineage 2 NA server.  

    After seeing everyone else say "Just restart" I am now feeling that your advice is the best... My healer is one of the originals from 2004 Beta and I am NOT restarting and letting her go.. I was probably not clear enough in my original post. When I came back my healer was just level 89 and I was able to do the exalted quests and get her to 99 easily. So, I don't think a restart is really necessary.. But anyways, if it's really not as fun and looks to be PAY TO PLAY crap then I'm just crystalizing/selling all my shit and going to play on the Classic server casually I guess. I checked out Aden and well all that shiz is confusing... No wonder none of my friends are still around! 🤣

  2. so to really understand the changes I made a new character and  played it through so I figured out how things kinda work now. easily got my main to level 99 (healer) but now on the level 99 quest I barely do damage to the mobs so am I suppose to party up at this point? also, I have some old gear like twilight and currently wearing seraph. are they worth h selling or should I crystalize them instead?? the last time I was really into this game was when Kartia and instances for bosses was a thing to do. none of my old friends seem to be playing still so, looking towards the good ol' forums for assistance. I've played this game on and off since Beta and it's still my all time MMO love. and my crappy laptop can run it. hahaha

  3. 7 hours ago, Nymphadorae said:

    Or you already claimed your rewards on previous years ^_^

    Oh this is a good point. I didn't know that's how it worked.. Thought it was reset each year. This makes sense then because I was able to claim the 16-year AND the 15-year. I actually missed last year's anniversary event. Thank you. (:

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