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Posts posted by Manyx

  1. quest1 la lev.39 la biserica apoi biserica giran preot  maximilian  do pass ,.,, si
    please I am a player over 20 years old.i m the person hqave handicap locomotor .for me lineage 2 is best.deep player of lineage2 games.much the return of original lineage 2 .,what each character did the quest for each character.arma armura why they were in the store.what b up to any levalat the same time adena was proportionalitate in order to to different item. all heroes had the same power in case they fought depends on the one who handled it.curreently I see that 40...,20,.to40 remains the armor of on armur why for level small weapon thule stor has yo prepare from weapon .,.c.,.lineage2 the old games on 20 years go has the posibilityplease go back to the o;d original game and play it today I have freand who do not exceed leval 41., .,.what happens for 15 day I as a player I mean the 15 day weapon it has no value because I play day 10houer impossibil to use a person who plays two three hours a day will expire what happens to the one who run out of gun can not buy in stores
    pleace returne to old games
    the forst one in the made ring was very well desingned please go back to yhe first and the first one to driwns well designed at least get
    thenks.,., I expect theat you will make certain correction for improvement in international standards
    multumesc.,.mult .,un romin ., ce crede ca veti reveni ,la original l.,.2mobi coold be destroyed was extraordinarily beautiful.,
    patiently waiting for the return to the origina
    with respect to the filmmakers lineage2 ,,,original game 2011, I caught when it was given quest one dorf waiting to discuss ,for giving pass to lv 40 ,ergeam cruma marsh to discuss with dorf.,I had the possibility to get armor and gun to different mobi and fall the weapon with power to kill or who ,.30 min.,we get the armor gun in different areas. ,it was stressed the areas where different objects were obtained .,it was made different quest ., the adena was obtained in relation to the area ., it could be bought necessary ., in the godar was obtained the weapon a .,., current I have in ceput a 10 days later ,when the game started.,CREDETIMA I PLAYED 10 ORE ON THE DAY ,M AM LV 50,,Un PRIETEN MIA DAT A B FIST ARMA PRIETEN MIA DAT An ARMA B FIST ,., CAN'T AVANSA IS NOT ADENA ., IT'S NOT ARMURA., I understand you may have made it pay but united excuses are disabled with social income .,how can I play with possibility .,.,LASATEs ON WHAT THEY WILL PAY THE ARMS ARMS ARE NEWIND MULT OBTINEM DENA AND BUY WHAT WE NEED CHARACTER.,., CANNOT AVANSA I DO NOT PLAY 2 DAYS CANNOT HAVE ARMURA IN STOR NOT DOWN TO THE SPOID IS NOT THE ZONE WHERE IS THE ARMA ,., REGRET SINTEM MULTI FIRST THAT SINTEM BLOCKED . CORRECT MAY WANT TO BE PAYED BUT LASED AND TO DROP ARMURA ARMS .,. DO THE EQUILIBRATED GAME ,.,. THANK YOU SINT ., PERSON WITH HANDICAP THIS GAME IS BIG USED FOR ME AND MULTI PRIETEN., STAM IN PAT AND JUCAM ,. INCERCAM SA DOES NOT TREAK TIME IS NOT RUSINE THE CARACT NAME IS .,.,HANDICAPMEN.,., A GOOD DAY
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