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Posts posted by LokiLoki

  1. On 20/11/2019 at 11:09 PM, Water said:

    1st of all, i guess not only u are confusing the forums ur confusing whos running the server, NCWest keeps banning bot program users they just make new ones easy as that, second you posted this in the live server section, no point in even reading this since you clearly have no idea what u doing. best regards and happy holidays

    Feel sorry for players and ppl like you. SAD!

  2. On 17/11/2019 at 5:33 PM, Murkan said:

    Good Night (Using Google Translate)

    Worse is not that, they shortened the time and it gave advantages to characters who deal absurd damage such as Feoh, Rangers, Summoners. Well imagine, before the time was good, now is a short time, just these characters attack and flee, especially that after updated and changed the way debuff are known, all characters in particular Feoh, Aero Healer and etc acquired a lot more endurance, my silence skill is +10 chance and me with two jewels that further increases the chance by 40% and the other is about 20% is failing too much.

    Although NCsoft always did Olympics favoring DDs for example. And another, that Iss that releases a debuff that burns his HP, an Iss of the ORC race, that is appealing, watching several videos of Olympics, is rare to see Sigel winning this class, because that debuff catches easy and Iss has all the convenience. of all Iss, buff that protects for 17 seconds against debuff, damage absorbing, stone turning, canceling, and so on.

    But the Feohs and Aero Healers were the most privileged, as most of his protecting skills have short reuse, he has that appealing damage-absorbing skill and I don't think that counts in the damage count when tied, and now they're very more, much more resistant to debuff like silence and hold, which helped Sigel be better able to tackle them. The Healer has long acquired resistance to aggression, so Sigel cannot prevent him from using his most powerful healing, and has long had a high resistance to silence, thus giving them more advantages.

    That's it. Just impossible against feoh with greater tanza, even if you have greater topaz, you can't beat them, bcoz they will only get damage against topaz, but you, against topaz and skills.

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