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  1. More ideas from players that love this game and been playing this server since 2018/2019 - L2 pass was amazing!! bring back L2 pass - Bring back montly good rewards from monthly missions like TOP advanced enchant weapon like you did on 2022 - economy on the server was amazing on that event. - Like tantar dungeon, DIMENSIONAL SIEGE WOULD BE AMAZING for PvP engaging - check discord comunity of TI server ...since tantar people are engaging so much. - Previous event Pay to win boxes that gave players seals of giran was very good: so you buy boxes for a chance of item but you would allways get a seal for that and then you could trade those seals from stuff that you wanted on dimensionnal merchant - that should be a permant feature of the pay to win boxes. You spent NCcoins, no luck on boxes but you get seals and trade for stuff that you want...very good business model. - Revamp TOI - all TOI is extreme M.Def..mages dont farm there like fighters do and its the best XP/hour place on L2 classic. Right now, the strongest characters on the server can farm TOI 5 but nothing above, making harder for other players to find a place for them. and TOI is 12 floors of monsters...revamp that so people on the server can spread on all floors, the strongest go higher, weaker people stay on lower floors... - Or Revamp LoA for mages.... - If you only bring the Korea settings into here,with no update for reality here - please think on this... NC Coins in korea are 10 times cheaper than here...we cant compare in terms of power / gear
  2. @Wisp Circlet enchant rates are wrong. theres people that wasted thousands of circlets on a 18-24% chance and every single one of them destroyed. That is called SCAM. You need to verify this ASAP
  3. @Wisp Hello GM. Great news Let me point out some issues that worries the players right now: - Level cap!!! right now you can grind (REAL PAINFULL GRIND) your way into level 93 (well...its possible only for 0.01% of the players) but after that is absolutely impossible - rough calculations with perma 1000% boost would take you years to level up to 94 on TOI. Server settings on monsters must be wrong cause every TOI level you climb, monsters get increased 2M HP but only a 10% increase of XP. - because of your changes in adena drop rate (you nerfed them hard) existing players and specially the new ones that want to join have insane difficult to farm adena so they can gear up - PvP events something that you never did is something that many players would want to have fun in the game - More dimensional activities. One of the best things you did on the last years was the dimension dungeon Tantar..amazing to PvP versus the other server, despite the big lagg and frame rate drop in the instance...performance wise you can do better. MORE stuff like that is appreciated. Theres so much we can say...i will brainstorm and come up with other ideas
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