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Posts posted by Sp3Rm4N

  1. Hi there!

    As you can see, from the title, I'm quite noob. I found a Damaged Baium's Ring that someone droped in Giran and I would like to turn it into a normal Baium's Ring. I've seen some people selling +something Baium's Rings and I also know when it gets to +10, you can exchange to a regular Baium's Ring, but I don't know how to enchant it. What kind of scrolls or items do I need? Could anybody help me?


  2. Hi there!

    As you can see, from the title, I'm quite noob. I found a Damaged Baium's Ring that someone droped in Giran and I would like to restore it. I've seen some people selling +something Baium's Rings and I also know when it gets to +10, you can exchange to a regular Baium's Ring, but I don't know how to enchant them. Could anybody help me?


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