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Posts posted by Loresecha

  1. I don't understand why do they moved my post to this section from "bug reports", obviousy nobody can solve this problem if he isn't staff, all the adenas has gone during the night the PJ was connected so nobody has stolen my account, it has been a bug!!

  2. Yesterday I had between 50 or 70 kk adena and today the couter is 0 adena, completly 0. What have happened?? I let the PJ "UrukHaiISS" fishing in Aden during the night, the last thing i did was to buy bait and shots to spend the night fishing, I had 90 or 70 kk adenas and spend 25kk buying 1000 baits and 1000 shots, and this morning I have 0 adenas.

  3. On 13/3/2020 at 12:55 PM, L2quote said:

    That's because we have 0 xp loss at death. If you use res scroll just use a reg one. If the player died there isv0 xp to restorensince he didn't lose any.

    So that's a recent update? Now we don't lose exp when we die? Since when?

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