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Posts posted by berg

  1. On 9/20/2023 at 3:45 AM, Get2ThePoint said:

    Are you sure you can use ALL skills with a buster??? My clanmate tried one and told me that a couple of his skills did not work at all. He needed a cutter. 

    Can you confirm with screenshot or something? I'd ask @Hermes for official word, but they rarely reply.

    yes they work

  2. On 9/18/2023 at 12:02 AM, SammlerMull said:

    You can use the Buster now(I can use all skills)... I think the change he was talking about was the Built-in SAs(boosts for either P.Atk or M.Atk Characters), not the actual P.Atk and M.Atk being altered. If we get this change, the Cutter and Buster may not have the exact same Built-in SAs... just that they would both have beneficial effects for fighter/mage Characters.

    I was only commenting that adding M.Atk boosts to Ranged Weapons would be pointless.

    ty for the info mate, so we sould have some changes when the shine maker update is live?

  3. On 8/30/2023 at 10:04 PM, SammlerMull said:

    Possibly all melee/magic weapons... all Magic skilled characters have a nerf when using P. ranged Weapons(AFAIK it still is in effect) Bows, Crossbows and Spears. The built in SAs of the Retributers had both P.Atk and M.Atk benefits, the nerf would need to be lifted entirely to let Magic users wield bows, crossbows or spears again.

    so from what i understand, the next suitable weapon for a dk will be a  dw buster? if no cutter in market ? it will have the same stats as a cutter exept the patk  diffrence? did i understand correctly?

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