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Posts posted by Crowning

  1. 9 hours ago, SAXnVl0LlNS said:

    We only ever had 2 fishing "events"... there was a Santa Clause Fishing event which AFAIK we only ever had once, and the Chef Monkey Fishing event(only had it 2X). Every other Fishing Promotion was just a L2 Store Limited time sale... they might get around to reworking the Fishing someday, but if I had 1k+ Bait coupons left-over from L2 store I'd find them quite useless nowadays.

    Yes, great idea!  Bring purpose back to fishing by giving great rewards and rare crafting materials to those who invest time in doing it.  Offer items that you can only attain through fishing and incorporate Maestros, by adding uncommon and rare crafting materials that can be crafted into powerful items or artifacts.  Heck yeah!

  2. Here is an idea:

    1. Add more areas to hunt for players 76+ and up.  Everywhere is so saturated and new players cannot find a place to hunt that isn't already occupied once they reach that level.

    2. Open up new areas and expand the map so older players will have something new to do and to explore.

    3. Have more meaningful quests that give good rewards.  The current quests are terrible with petty rewards.

    4. Fix all the mobs spawning on the rocks and getting stuck.  This has been a broken and ongoing issue since the server started.  At least allow the mobs to eventually move off the rocks themselves.

    5. Increase the amount of mobs and their spawn rate, so players stop overlapping each other.

    6. Add more rows or lines to the in-game macro tools so we can create better macros.

    7. Add a tool or a tab in inventory that will consolidate and show you all your items that are time-limited and will expire.

    8. Give purpose to dwarves with crafting or better spoils to bring more diversity and balance into the game.

    9. Allow us to toggle "Master Skills" back and forth to "Ordinary Skills" so we are not forced to use spirit shots if it is not necessary.

    10. Allow a function that allows you to "move all selected items" from one character to another in once click, instead of having to input the quantity EVERY TIME.

    11. Give Hierophants the ability to buff the entire party similar to Doomcryers, so they can have purpose again.

    12. Allow all dwarves the special ability to access their warehouse including clan warehouse wherever they are on the map.  For example, a dwarf in a catacomb does not have to go to town to access warehouse/clan warehouse.

    13. Give high level Maestros and Fortune Seekers a skill that allows them to emulate a warehouse NPC, so other players can use them to access their personal and clan warehouses for a fee when they are not in town.

    Thanks for reviewing all my ideas, and please add on to them if you can think of anything else to streamline, improve, & expand the game and its functionality.  I'll emphasize once more, that it would be awesome to bring meaning and purpose back to dwarves and prophets again.

    Have a blessed day and see you in game...



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