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Posts posted by Amsterdamer

  1. Hi.

    I’ve reached level 105 and went to try the dailies, but there seems to be a huge difficulty leap from balok/tavern to Baylor/kamaloka/ashen shadow revolutionaries.

    entered Baylor and we barely scratched the boss, while he killed us all...

    im a tyrr dreadnought with:

    +12 bloody amaranthine stormer with 3 SAs

    +6 r99 heavy set full atribute

    desire/venir 18/abundance level 1/exalted talismans

    ruby 3 (and the jewels from the exalted quests, since we can’t get any other than those atm)

    jewels from attendance rewards (epic jewels)

    Pve cloak +7


    any tips to improve success on these instances? Coz I was hitting for 3k crits which seems really really low


    thanks ;)

  2. So, i came back to this game some weeks ago and, after 5 years, it turned out that all i had was completely obsolete xD
    Made a new toon and atm its a level 107 wynn with a level 106 feoh dual class. on feoh im using exalted gear, and on wynn im using a r99 +6 leather set (full 3x120) and a r110 retributer +5 with 450 attribute and might 6/death 5.

    my first question is: what is "good gear" nowadays? i've done 105 dailies with normal parties and it would take us a while to complete stuff. i've done it with 5 people where someone just solo kills the bosses and moves along (lol), and i wonder if my r110 staff is anything relevant or if i should just sell it and save up for a +12 r99 bloody weapon or something like that....

    my second question, now more related to wynn: regarding talismans, i have longing/outlaw/venir 12. besides the seven signs talisman, is there any other relevant talisman for wynns? and regarding la vie en rose jewels, zodiac agathions and other abundance talismans, they are only available on l2store during events?

    final question: any tips on what to enchant my skills? went with chance for marks, except weakness (on power since power affects the pdef/mdef debuff but not the damage), but im unsure about the rest of the skills


    thanks in advance ;)

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