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That's what I feel


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Good day to everyone.

First of all I want to express with just one thought this update:

When you try to capture the attention of the majority of your clients you only have to make changes, some will like it and others will not, which will give as critical results (Good and Bad), but really it is only up to you to accept them for your benefit or destruction. 

What I mean by all this, is that, in the last two updates I have seen how we complain about the problems that cause us and how they affect us (Those who only spend a few bucks from our pockets and those who do not spend anything) The government, it seems, has little interest in listening to 95% of its population.

In my opinion they don't do what is necessary to improve our experience in the wonderful world of Lineage 2, which I knew when I was 16 years old and until today has been the only online game that has caught me, I remember when I played for hours to get a drop or the necessary adena to be able to buy what I needed to go to other areas, or when I became a dwarf to spoil and get more adena, the game was quite balanced. Then I left it for a few years, more like 5, because of things in life, nothing related to the game, until that moment I saw everything well.

A little but of 3 years ago I decided to return to play (I meditated it much and investigated as it was the game at the present time), in that moment was very interesting my return to the world of the Lineage 2 (For my it is Narnia), so I was a time gathering of my salary to buy a good computer/laptop, of those who are afraid of the price, of those who with what you pay you can buy a mid-range motorcycle or could pay the initial of a car (I was in a good time of my life), I still remember those desires when driving home to get and download the game while thinking I would have to ask for more Internet speed. It was to start and return to those days in which with only two instances or even one my stress disappeared, Lineage 2 for me was an escape route to problems that in the eyes of others would be nonsense but before mine consumed me (Some people decide to take refuge in bars, restaurants, sports ...) and with only a couple of hours a day I had. Being in macro for me when I returned to Lineage 2 was the best thing that could have happened to our community, since most of us are already of an age and have obligations. I was more or less 2 years very entertained and I thank you.

A little more than a year I began to be disappointed in my life in that parallel world that I call "Narnia", I began to feel frustrated, every day everything is more difficult (Adena- Drop- Party Room- Instances ... Even the macro afk) and I think that an online game is searched for different reasons and one of mine is having fun, but it really doesn't amuse me anymore. Yes, it really is free to play but not free to get what the game really has to offer.

We are currently in a global crisis that can end many jobs, including those of the employees of this company, for example I lost my job 3 months ago, even so I think I have spent more than 100 euros this year (I cannot afford large expenses, although if I could, I would) and I still do not find a job and since I have no income I cannot buy Ncoins (I also do not buy many, there are events in which I can invest a maximum of 50 Euros, because that is what I have marked as maximum And there are events like the one with the cape that happened to him totally because I have seen bad streaks when trying to enchant it to +7) in the last event I would surely have spent 50 Euros because it gives very good results if you know how to do it. And many will wonder where I want to go, I simply want to say that today thinking about 5% of your population will only lead you to ruin, because if we go at this rate of bad decisions, only that 5% will remain and they will get bored and they will leave as surely many are already leaving.

It is the perfect time to think about minorities, try to balance them and provide them with a wonderful gaming experience that can engage and incentivize them, it is now or never. If this is not the case, we will surely find ourselves in the queue of unemployment to request an unemployment benefit.

P.S. I think they will not change anything because they are afraid of bots, they have not been able to control them and they do not resolve the span messages, as well as, the characters that write to you offering you adena and equipment with the maximum guarantee and work 24/7 (It seems that they work better than the player service, where I have read people who take days to answer a query / complaint / claim) that for me they are really annoying and I block them, but with that it is not enough I always have someone else to block. Giving more drop is the feeling of more bots and honest players only have more nerf to avoid bots, but really what we need is less bot, less nerf and more drop / exp ...

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