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Posts posted by Mach5

  1. 16 hours ago, Degenerate said:

    None of you are hearing what I'm saying. This isn't going to be like Chronos or Classic. 10 boxes, 20 boxes, 100 boxes, will be no difference.

    These chars are going to be PKd into the ground. Nonstop. 7 days a week. They will not get to farm.

    This, in this version boxing is a double edged sword. On one hand you can run multiple alts in low level zones that can farm adena for your main. On the other hand everyone else is doing the same so you end up with the higher gear/leveled people pking the entire map so their alts can farm since there will be an insane amount of alts in the 6x-7x zones.

  2. 6 hours ago, Draecke said:

    this is just a hit & run cash grab show, worse then classic was so let's be a bit realistic here lmao

    anyone playing this version of the L2 is getting precisely what they deserve / pay for

    Most likely, especially since NCwest has never been able to deviate from what KR says they can do. That said there is potential for this version if the stuff Enthused listed is addressed. I've played some "other" essence servers that I enjoyed because Lcoin dropped from mobs, pking was punished pretty hard, and they nerfed DK and Titan.

    That said if any one of those things isn't addressed it's almost certain the server will be dead in a couple of months if that. Nobody wants to drop $1k to just have low to mid tier gear, nobody wants to constantly get pk'd with no potential risk to the pker, and nobody wants to get 2 shot by 70% of the server that's running DK/Titan.

    500 hp pots also not good for server health.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Enthused said:

    As Jon stated, there is a bot program that automatically rezzes you upon death, teleports you right back to the farm spot, and begins farming again. This is especially important in a very heavy PK game, that these servers will end up being.

    Not many people used this on EU, but some did. If you are the one pking them, you quickly realize that you are wasting your own time, because you cannot stop them from farming.


    Yeah that makes sense, I guess I never really thought of it because I always would just remote in periodically through the day to check my character.

  4. 5 minutes ago, J0nSnow said:

    No, you can use them to run back to same spot, can use them to for pvp, chain skills and assist faster than humans can. Doesn't happen in EU, because that company actually catches and bans people. 

    I was probably too busy getting 2 shot by every titan and dk on Rose to ever run into that problem lmao

  5. 35 minutes ago, Enthused said:

    The biggest worry that people should have here is that the premium currency used to buy the necessary p2w items, L2 Coins, will not be dropping from mobs. This directly translates to the F2p and low spending players having very little, if any, access to the currency that is required to compete.

    Farming adena will not be enough for these players to ever catch up, at any point during this project's lifespan. Never. The premium currency that is used to purchase p2w items, L2 Coins in the case of these servers, MUST  also drop from mobs. It doesn't have to be a lot, but it has to be enough to pay for 100% rezzes when you die, and enough to feasibly catch up within a certain amount of time. 


    I have played on 3 different Official Essence servers (known as Aden servers in KR and NA), these being Red, Blue, and Rose. These servers did not have premium currency on mob drop.

    I have played on 2 different Private Essence servers (I won't mention names). These servers did have premium currency on mob drop. 

    I have played on these 5 servers, and I can tell you from experience, the difference between them in terms of the player population and retention, is astounding. The F2P players on the Officials were second class citizens. No chance to ever  catch up. They quickly quit the game once this fact sets in, and the server's population tanks and dies. And the opposite of this is true in reference to the illegal servers with premium currency drops.


    Just something to think about. That's my 2 L2 Coins.


    This, if Lcoin doesn't drop from mobs(or unless L8K packs are like $1 each there is no reason to play this server unless they don't release any p2w items at the start, then MAYBE there might be some decent pvp at the start of the server until they start adding the boxes. Even then though this version of the game is more pvp vs afk farming characters or just pking everyone, so maybe not.


    2 minutes ago, J0nSnow said:

    I see you're new to l2. Not sure what other ncwest game you worked on before here, but L2 in NA has had a huge bot problem that juji has ignored for years and years. The company that runs L2 in EU does a much better job, and bots actually don't exist on those servers, and people don't use scripting in pvp. Is Ncwest actually doing to do something about the bot program, or is it pointless to start here in NA? 


    From my experience on essence bots aren't really an issue since there is a built in bot to farm and spam pots, not saying they don't exist but it seems kind of pointless based on how the game works.

  6. I'm sure a new server would accomplish nothing, NC west ruined what little trust old players had in the company with how classic progressed. Plus, classic isn't really classic. I don't know of anyone that I play with that would come back to play a new server. I doubt they would even play if they were just releasing something like Interlude or H5 the way it was with no changes.

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  7. 13 hours ago, Roni said:

    The numbers were high enough when the "Classic" server opened. The problem was the people quit once they realized NcSoft does not give a shit about the game only care about getting income from P2W. So even if they open a new server with subscription model. i don't think people will bite that bait. 

    Would probably depend on their description of a "subscription" model. Even then I'm sure a lot of people are done with NCWest and NCsoft in general after being burned this time. Probably the only hope of a sub working and actually getting people to come is if Juji said sub only no p2w shop items period, not just "at launch".

    You can't argue that the game isn't done though, they've ruined sieges and oly, and open world pvp(which was basically non existent) is now completely dead with the teleport system. Everything that made the game good has been ruined to the point that the only thing there is to do in game is kill raids at set times at night.

    Awhile back I logged into live just to see how it had changed since I had quit and I thought it was horrible how the only thing to do was instances, nobody was grinding out in xp zones. Somehow that seems better than what we have here though.

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