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Everything posted by R3m3mber

  1. After the goddes of destruction came, the game was totally full of new things to do and gave a lively way to continue playing, but in future updates we only removed the coolest things in the game, such as quests, nowadays you you don’t have to go to the place to do the instance like the tauti was, you teleport from aden and it loses the lore of the game, they removed practically all the quests from the game, have you seen mmorpg without quests? yes the lineage is like this, nowadays it is only dailys and then spend the day in the macro, and there are few dailys, the instances ask for level 105 only that to do the same it is not enough to have lvl 105 you have to have equips +++++ + and for that you have to pay, because the game does not provide adena unless you keep creating 20+ chars to make adena. and so I bring the suggestion for a new update, RECONSTRUCTION GODS, who knows how to fix the game.
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