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Posts posted by Witch666

  1. If you play with more than a player at home be aware that NCSoft can just decide that they wont restore an "eligible for restoration" item because they can accuse you of cheating.

    On restoration rules found here: https://support.lineage2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360035810271 they tell us that: " Each NCSOFT account is granted 3 Lineage II restoration tokens twice per calendar year (3 tokens on January 1st, and 3 tokens on July 1st). These tokens do not carry over. When you receive your new tokens, all unused tokens are removed from your account. Tokens can be used for any request falling into the below restoration categories."

    But then, if u play with your wife, husband, flatmate, son or whoever lives with you, you have a chance of not getting your item restored, even having tokens for it on the account you failed enchanting.

    It just happened to me. They haven't done it when my 2 other  toons broke A grade sigils in this period, but when my toon broke a flamming armor, they told me " YOU or an account related to this account have already restored an armor in this period". I enchanted the item on a 2 years old level 80 account. They allow us to log and buy NCoins in up to 10 accounts. Their rules say its account based.. but surprisingly they can decide to do whatever they want. Meanwhile players using third part programs are happily playing and even we got scripters in Giran server abusing AGAIN the same event, as the last time they released one with same mechanism. 

    If NC will only allow only 1 restoration token by IP not account, is it hard to write it down on your Token-based Restoration Policy? 

    I haven´t broken any rules and Im being punished and accused of such a thing. 

    I feel totally disrespected as player by such a company and I´m writing here to may find some players support since from NC GMs we only get COPY and PASTE standard answers. 

    This is very frustrating. 

  2. Is Classic a joke for you? The players left must be!
    What do u want us to do? Make 10 chars to farm Adena cuz u ruined Adena drop? So the empty server will look full for new customers? 
    Maybe this is all a plan to make us leave the game or join Aden... if u see the past events we had to spend a lot of Adena to have a chance of getting random items... so now u nerfed Adena.. whats next? Empty our pockets and offer only P2W chests? Now even without VIP benefits (which, tbh I found fair and would keep the balance.. but too late).
    Let´s talk about this wonderful update we got things u didn't tell us (imprint transform books, red chat, no Bress, low Adena)... but some stuff u said we gonna have (Blazing swamp event, server transfer...) were never offered... and U JUST DONT CARE. 
    Casemonster and others have been begging u for yearsssssssss to revamp classic.. it is just a matter of turning on content... what do u do? U implement stuff that makes it worst.

    Would u guys mind being honest and respecting your players?



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  3. Blazzing Swamp Event? Are u even incapable of posting on forum? Or you giving us event that was announced to start last week? I bet its another copy and paste failure from new staff...

    Fixing adena L2 drop should be priority.. but no wait.. we classic. u just dont care. What a joke we are to keep playing. And no, not moving to Aden server as u wish.

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  4. Hey staff.. Vanguard coming out in 3 days and Classic info is outrageous!!!! Also u haven't mentioned a single word about this new VIP system!!

    Have u GMS logged in game lately to see how empty and boring it is?

    We need new content. We are tired of P2W items and same boring events. We need new areas, new content... NPCs and Quest Monsters are already there... please turn them on!!

    Also, no one cana understand the changes u have announced on PK system. Can u review that?

    Why is it called Vanguard anyway? 

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  5. There´s no info since Classic is getting only victor coins and enchanting changes...

    The update info they released already shows us they only focusing on Aden. 

    they dont care about Classic, they dont listen to our suggestions and complaints.

    Don´t expect much next week my dear.


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  6. Hi!

    Even tho I  am tired of waiting for any improvement on Classic.. I have to say I had a bit hope when Vanguard was announced! I was expecting a huge update, merge, new areas.. What a fool! After reading the preview.. it is even more clear NC does not care about Classic. Maybe only the few left that keep loving this game and getting your NCoins... cuz besides this.. there is nothing left for us!

    Aden server will get many things we have been asking... then Life comes.. and for us? Those ridiculous victory coins and enchanting hate... which we all know are 0.0000000000000000001%. 

    I don´t have anything else to say. Totally disappointed! 




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  7. 1. Merge the left ones in TI and GIRAN

    2. Quests and PETS

    3. Change PK system - Revenge 1L2 was OK. Asking it only after 6 hours since first PK.. not nice during war. RMT built players go around Pking and even hunting them (as u say in every support ticket people send) they don´t lose anything... they can teleport.. they can clean karma easily or just wait 6 hours to do so. And even when they drop items.. its incredibly ridiculous how cheap it is to recover it. 

    4. Give some events that low level people can do it. Even Ice Castle is not available for them. You need to provide content for new players, otherwise they don´t stay. You need to sell Ncoins right? Also number 3 issue has been preventing new players to stay. 

    5. Close this "fake" classic for good.


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  8. We need to talk about Classic.
    After sending a few tickets complaining about game mechanisms and often being asked to post my "suggestion" in the forum, I decided to spend some time organizing some thoughts.
    Today it´s been 10 days that I am not logging in, and I am impressed I am not missing it as I thought I would. I was pretty aware of how addicted I was since I started L2 again after many years. I love the game idea, the magical world, and mostly the friends I´ve made. However...

    P2W: You released a free-to-play server, but it seems that all your developer´s efforts mean finding ways to make people spend money getting NCoins. Recently you removed runes from raids and the only "free" way to get it is farming in areas not many people can and the drop rate is 0.00000000000001%. Same time you discouraged people to go for raids. PW2 items unbalance the game and new players leave as soon as they realize it (if they can´t pay, ofc)

    Gambling mechanisms: Besides opening thousands of chests to get items that are impossible or almost impossible to get in-game, last year you introduced the "Random Crafting". Crafting was game CLASSIC content. People liked killing mobs, trading mats, exploring the map to get a recipe, and then selling it or trading to improve or gear their chars. Now people just throw stuff or spend Adena getting items to try their luck. Poor dwarf class lovers.

    Clan activities: What is left for clans? The way game is, everybody has their own farming party. What do we have? Siege? Elementals? Arena? What if a clan already defeated the level 25 raid? You added new clan levels that are almost impossible to reach and do not even give you more room for players to join. Also, because of a recent bug, you changed the 1-minute penalty to 24 hours which makes managing it even worst.

    BOTs: You keep disrespecting your own terms and policies. You are aware of many players using bots to farm Adena. Just log in and go for a walk.  Check outside Lair of Antharas, Forgotten Island, Wind Plateau... Check whose chars does almost every Epic EVERY SINGLE DAY. Oh but wait! You don´t even need to! Many of us have opened loads of tickets, adding videos and pictures as proof, and the only thing we got as an answer is "we are investigating". Trying the staff = Getting standards copy and paste answers. 

    Please, listen to your customers!!! Give Classic back to us! Open the areas that are already there being visited when players are bored. Turn the quests on, NPCs are already there. Give players a chance to improve their chars inside the game. Give us some fun fixing the PK system. Follow your rules and ban botters. Give clans collective activities to do together!!!

    Do something!

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  9. Hi!!

    I hope modifications means you are gonna fix some issues we´ve been facing like  the 24h clan penalty back to 1min... clan activities is one of the few things we have left.

    Also would be nice reading some forum suggestions on how to bring fun back to this game... more areas, castles, fixing PK system, removing bots,  maybe merging servers for some real PVP... reduce the amount of P2W items for a fair and balanced gameplay...


    Love u all!


  10. Can´t agree more! It is sad walking around and seeing how many areas are on the map... Runes, Fantasy Island, and many more we go explore when we are bored! It is a matter to run it! Maybe merge TI and Giran so people will need those areas if u think we have enough space (which we don't). As KuroiHime wrote.. every time I see  NPCs or quest monsters it´s so sad... I even try clicking on them to see if - miraculously - there´s a quest. That Frog near GC raids...damn!! This game has no content!! what is left? P2W items every path.. new collections? Same clan activities every week? Ohhhh nice!! Call of clans!! Go kill epic raids together... Epic raids? The ones that a well-known botter does every day and u ignore it completely, even after many reports from players (including videos). 
    Come on developers!! You released the clan cloak and removed the clan insignia!! What is wrong with you guys?
    Please do something!!
    AFK farming is boring! Give us a game to be played! Not only paid!


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  11. What do you mean? So forget about support classes? 

    Cuz if you don't spend loads of money you cant solo hunting, so no Subjugation, no L2 coins drop. Seems like it's not important to you cuz your party is all boxes while should be players. That´s how this game keeps losing its meaning/purpose.

    It´s already unfair to prioritize DDs only and now you just made it worst!

    @Juji could u please consider people that actually enjoy and play as support on your updates? 

    Please fix it properly and balanced.

    Thank you.


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  12. Agree! Even after opening several tickets concerning constant being killed by the same PK chars, nothing has been done!!
    What is the point?
    We faced this problem long ago, and there were some measures to make this game fairer (and now I can even say playable?).. as the red skull and the revenge option. But it is just useless since NCSoft gave back privileges. As the player above mentioned: killing and damaging the game with no consequences.
    New PK chars are being created every day, mostly the damn ponies which do not even require much gear. Plus, players that are bored or that had quit many months ago came back from nowhere to have some fun killing the ones left on the server.
    It's impossible to farm in many places...unless you are an adena farmer/seller. But maybe this is what NC wants, cuz if u don't farm u may have to buy NCOINs... to not mention bots everywhere... just log a char and go for a walk and you can easily identify loads.
    But who is paying the bill? the few real players you have left in this server!
    This matter requires your attention!


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