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Posts posted by Dagg

  1. 11 hours ago, xHaseo said:

    1 - get a war and you'll lose 1%, maybe less, after 76.
    2 - this is not a illegal server, mobs are not bugged. 

    Since its more profitable for a full CP, instead of an active 9 man party, to log in every member his own macro bot party on lv 65-70 necrópolis, devil isle , giant cave(x2 hp mobs) or well every low lv spot... We can legitimally consider every high lv hunting zone of the game 100% bug.

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  2. Same situation in Giran server, just add some more bots. No wars. No fight for bosses. No pvp at sieges, No olys running except last weekend or when the rmt clan that rules the server decides to feed someone. Market dead no one has adena. Time for merge...Come on ncsoft you just need to work once, merge all 4 dead servers into 1.

  3. 2 hours ago, BeeAbuser said:

    who want to use their hard earned money on a game full of bots.. Go to  War thorn planes.... Full buff. fulll autoheal when low hp, Full Autores teammember, IF you kill bots they back in spot less than a minute..

    Yes lets use our hard earned money on a game where GMs are inactive


    Just dont. Dont give any $. Either find a cp/clan and join macro festival like everyone else or leave. Adena, drop and spoil are 5 times inferior what they should be. There isn´t  any zone worth of an active playing. Keep your main chars macro in elemental zones for XP and just move for raids/olympiad. Secondary ones macro party outside aden to get some adena. After 8 months its not like there are going to fix adena/spoil or care about bots. When game is dead enough for you leave.

  4. 41 minutes ago, Juji said:

    Hello All,

    I have been reading all of your replies in this thread and looking into different options with the current 15th Anniversary event. The dev team requested that we quickly remove the cake raid event to prevent further instability and abuse on the Classic Servers. I tried spawning the Fioti NPC manually today, but there was no message prompt for claiming a reward or the instant XP/SP. The Fioti NPC seems to be directly tied to your character's participation in the Cake Raid. I will ask the Dev team if they can adjust the raid without the top rewards, while only granting the XP/SP. In the meantime, we plan to add a compensation pack to the store next week. Apologies again for these recent changes to the event!

    Best Regards,

    Good to hear. Just be more active and use common sense faster. This very same message should have been delivered 48 hours ago.

  5. 19 hours ago, Madison said:

    Doll of Baium

    I used that baium doll we got for free at some attendance event, and 1 week refined boss jewels from lv 78 reward... and still an undergeared dark avenger who lost his pet in 1 hit got me 2 minutes running in fear from wall to wall being auto-attacked to death. fear 7 sec 100%, 2-3 seconds left, another fear and the time count back to 7, gg. Summoners are strong, but DA and Titans just make no sense.

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