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Posts posted by Tetsuos

  1. Hi All,

    Has anyone found a way to solve random disconnects?

    Solutions i've tried:
    a. Battleping
    b. Watching for lost packets - No lost Packets found
    c. WiFi Connection
    d. Wired Connection (Cat6) - this is my standard connection
    e. WTFast
    f. Closing all other programs
    g. Setting application priority to real time in Windows

    My PC is:
    Ryzen 3800X
    16GB DDR4 @ 2900Mhz

    The random disconnects seem much, much more prevalent around US Peak time. I am in Australia with an average ping of between 220ms - 240ms.

    Will increasing the VIP level on one of my characters fix this, or is this just a symptom of NCSoft choosing trash server hosts?


  2. What have you people done??? You removed the Auto Macro loop? Is this some kind of joke?
    I was one of the few looking forward to the patch, and i love the new UI but come on.... this is a bit much.... You are punishing legitimate players and basically handing the bots more adena/loot/control... Disgusting.

    This has to be one of the dumbest, most sad decisions made by NCsoft thus far. I actually cant understand who would hvae thought the decision to remove automacro loops would be a good one.

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