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Posts posted by Marley

  1. 15 minutes ago, Miharrior said:

    Lol why im selfish ? Because I dont care about greedy chests ? You think you benefit from that... but u dont. Greedy are manipulated by some ppl, and prices are already very big. 
    i agree to drop that chest random on mobs, not with 999 cameras and stuff. 

    You already said you pretty much have all gems, and you don't care about others..Yes we all benefit from that! How? check the prices of jewels right now..for example obsidian lv5 was 4.5-5b's on Naia AH before they removed the chests..Now? Just 45b's . . . 🤯

    Ok, it might need a different approach on how Chests spawn, but even like that they helped all of us..

    It might be the best option to have a GM active in-game, all problems could be solved that way..

    I can apply for the position! 😇 Voluntarily!

  2. 21 minutes ago, Miharrior said:

    Im close to 116, and have pretty much all gems. But I really dont care if items gets expensive. All I want is to play decent. In Romania, Europe I had absolutely 0 lag and 0 dc last week. 

    And because you manage to get all your gems at a fair price, we the  others have to pay a ton to be able to raise above 110... that's selfishness at its best.

    NCSoft made the best move to introduce those Greedy chests showing real interest for the mid-low player's progress on the game, well done for that!

    @Juji Please find a way to bring back those Chests we all really need them and punish those Greedy camera owners, if they want Chest they have to earn it!

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