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Everything posted by Oslo

  1. I don't know who came up with the idea of putting 500 potions so early and industrially at the Olympics. I can literally spend 5 minutes or even more to kill a character if he has potions of 500 .. this is pathetic, the Olympics games have become that whoever has more than 500 potions wins not by team skill or something like that. There are amount of characters 60 afks that if you get 2 afks or just 1 in your party you are lost because they are backpacks of the people who use them to obtain, I suppose, the bonuses of the event for farm. If you want to do a duel for an individual boss, you can spend 5-10 minutes or whatever your potions hold, hitting you if you are at the same level and equipment. What garbage is this? Not even the pvp mode is preserved in this "chronicle". It is absurd, really, I know perfectly well that the moderators or GMS of the server cannot do anything because they are simple workers and have to follow the orders of where the game that I imagine Korea will be developed. I just wanted to leave my opinion and listen to the other players on this topic. Cheers
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