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Posts posted by Urukaim

  1. I agree it's not good for the health of the server, it will scare newcomers for sure. I personally find this whole Sayha system, limited soulshots and spirit ore mumbo jumbo quite annoying as it really limits non spenders income. All your gains go to the resources that you need to make it through the next day.

    Some may argue; hey they gave out free spirit ores and soulshot tickets with the "promo code" but that's just a bandaid on a big open soaking wound.
    I'm pretty certain they made it like this intentionally. Luckily I've been around since server start and can now sustain those basic needs but I'm quite certain a lot of newcomers will be disgusted by these practices.


    Indeed the question is, will it keep luring in new players or is this game just for those who started at the beginning and found a way to self-sustain with minimal investment?

    As for the RMT, etc. I can't comment on that. I'm too much of a casual and I've really no clue what happens there.

  2.  Not here to debate about Epidemic's influence or anything. I'm not a big fan of them either.

    But... the way I see it prices just went up because the gear boxes, I figure the price for LCoins will go up every time something new and shiny gets added to the store.

    More demand causes prices to go up. If you've got the cash to spare, and people are willing to fork over more adena. Would you be willing to sell for less than the others, or would you maximize your gains? I don't like this either but the next addition as big as the gear box to the store will raise prices again and again.


    This is my input not necessarily the truth.

    Regards "not an Epidemic fanboy".



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