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Everything posted by Tierany

  1. I agree. I planned on only playing the Tyrr till 105 since they use the same gear. I’m not going to invest more resources in the Tyrr. I want to focus on advancing my yul, that’s whyi am asking what would be my best opinion moving forward. I did notice after upgrading the 2 rings, necklace and circle, that made a significant improvement
  2. Forgot to mention i have started dual class, 101 Tyrr. I play with a 105 Iss as means of support btw what is the empty slot under where the tattoo are? And how does it get equipped
  3. I started playing back in prelude but took quite a bit of time off. They have has changed immensely since last i played. Of coarse I’m upgrading my gear to today’s market. I have upgraded weapon, some jewels, agathon, circlet, dye and some in the artifact book. I know eventually i want to change the SA on the bow, have to read what i need to get the SA i want, but that is not important to me atm. My question is simple, and i know it’s a matter of opinion. Should i buy armor or accessories first, Enchant skills etc etc. I’m in exalted gear for the moment. Any advice would be appreciated. Btw i play a 105 trickster
  4. That makes sense, the new toon is still in that 7 day window. That’s the aver i was looking for. But i will take your advice into consideration about making the yul the dual class. If i removed the skill crit damage dye would i get the 1 dye back to reuse? Or would it be completely lost?
  5. I have bought dye’s, weapon and other misc stuff already. I have only really been playing for roughly 3 days and I’m 101. I started at 92, i really don’t want to necessarily give up on the toon if possible. I just didn’t know why the vp drained so fast on the yul and not the ISS
  6. Tyvm, I’ll take a look in my inventory. Much appreciated. Ya I’ll probably have new questions. I’m just now seeing sigil, jewelry and artifacts i need to read up on
  7. So I’m just getting back into game after a few years. I am playing my Yul i made years ago and created a new ISS to help. Why is it that vp from my yul Will burn so fast, while the vp on the ISS never changes. The newly made ISS has out leveled my Yul. Is there any explanation why the VP on the Yul is completely used in a few hours while the ISS hasn’t lowered since day 1
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