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Everything posted by gembu

  1. What happens to the Olympiad? Yes, the Olympiad. Was the absence of information for Oly starting times removed as intended? What about the server maintenance times now conflicting with Olympiad every Tuesday now? Do you know how screwed up it is now for anyone doing Oly now? I don't care what they do in Korea. THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE HERE @Primali @Hermes
  2. That will be the day. The game seems to get worse with every update. All we can do is adapt and get used to it.
  3. No damage and other systems message text is common problem, not just mine. Can be confirmed by any player. This should be addressed ASAP as this makes game pretty much unplayable. ---- Yes, it is a big problem, you guys need to fix this issue ASAP. Do it now, not next week!! @Hermes
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