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Posts posted by Pleistoros

  1. Its not outdated, its just they did not change/improve that toon much....back on business and not necessary in that order: con dyes,cloak, circlet,longing, set+8 or better, paulina agation++,faction talismans+10, change that octavis ring with soul AQ or Tauti, +4 con bracelet, abundance lvl 1 min, venir lvl 9 its too low you can do better, 7 signs talisman or the one with pdef(anakim i think).

    You are not mid geared....you are nacked or low geared best scenario. Items you have are for 95-99 :)

  2. On 12/20/2017 at 8:47 AM, Arcanjo said:

    Question 1)
    How do you recommend distributing the Abilities? I use Doomcryer.

    By default my first penalty would be 'Guardian's Body / Shield', but G. Life will only get caught up in G. Elemental Cover (as it becomes useful)

    * Guardian's Body
    % Max HP = Increases healing power (Based on Max HP)

    * Guardian's Shield
    Blassing Barrier = Absorption depends on 'P.Def'

    We have several Abilities, which would you choose?

    Question 2)

    Dominator gets Excellent Shield + Sword, although it uses dual Blunt / sword as well as the Doomcryer. The Doomcryer is inclined to use Dual blunt / sword! The advantage of Dua is to have two 'S.A' in it, while shield releases only one S.A.

    In my Doomcryer for sure a skill was +25% hp, the second I do not even remember what I was told, and nowadays in the wild, which S.A recommend based on the best set of weapons for the specific ISS?


    Body/Soul Body or Body/Focus or ... ?

    Note: Remembering that we can think of PvP (Solo and Group) and PvE

    1.For ISS you cant make mistakes regarding AP tree....its either warior(tyrr) setup-this one is only for the brave solo ones :D or knight(tank) setup-used  by most ppl. Both AP setups are related close by your setup(Set heavy or light, head acc, dyes, etc). Its a mistake to mix up.

    2. Dont rly understand your question but yes Body/Soul Body/Siegel is one of the best SA used by any ISS. Another nice combo for solo players is Patack/Pcrit damage/Siegel...only use this if you have enough power to solo K99 if not...first is best.



  3. 1. Romania

    2.Pleistoros/ISS Hiero

    3.I start play round 2006, but only for a short period, on a private server(Kamael Chronicle) and i come on official Shilen when was up with GOD.

    4.main 101 40% dual 102 2%

    5. you should refine "quit" word :) talking about my self only round 6 months i didnt open the L2 ...allthru I find more interesting Aden architecture then TV programs. Its also true i have many chars 85-99 and some 100-101. And finaly...there were only few days when i didnt log ....just for 5-10 min to check things up.



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  4. Your post is kinda useless....... since you hide behind devs when you make any change and  ppl not like.

    Salvation its not terible but its not far away then that, the only good thing is that rbs barier.

    You know damn well what ppl want:

    -more drops and adena free to play

    -rework exp bar to be the same with koreea or atleast reveal us the value or make 2 months of 200% server bonus promo.

    -ban bots...i mean really ban not only 3 days

    -lower prices with 50% min for ncstore items

    -permanent jewels for sale, where ever you like...mamon, ncstore...but permanent.

    -same with cloaks

    -rework reward list for events and include more top items and less non worth items...you need to rework hard that(especially for kelbim and tauti weapons and Divine lvl5).

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