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Everything posted by IFALCON

  1. Error in the introduction of virtual equipment, the sets do not have a defense attribute, the weapons do not have an attack element, nor can they be augmented, sa It's no use fixing that error, otherwise virtual equipment doesn't make any sense.
  2. 80 USD Bro! Package 1600 Ncoin = Runa Adena 300% For Week ! Mega ScaM by Nc
  3. What's on your mind at ncWest? It costs $80 a month to have 28 days of 300% rune adena. Just 1 month ago it cost $15 for 30 days. Ufff there is an improvement month by month for being worse.
  4. Reply Hello, We have received your message and will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. Kind regards NCSOFT Support Team MEGA LOL
  5. I have the same problem and they don't answer anything There is no one who can help directly.
  6. You don't have to expect much from these coconut heads, I bought 25 dollars in ncoin a week ago and they still haven't credited me in my wallet, not to mention the support area, a disaster, they are simple auto-responses. LOL
  7. la tienda einsad es más cara que la misma tienda l2 Store S WTF jajajaj REALY ? RIP linaje 2 =(
  8. And you are very happy? Or did you like the five dollar boxes? Flatterer!
  9. this is what you can do with the coin Einhasahd Store Knowledge base Lineage II (l2central.info) let's hope they replicate it
  10. I can't understand how it goes through their heads to hold an event with similar characteristics. More crumbs for the people of the lineage2 live community...
  11. REALY ? what is your source of information?
  12. Because it is an item that cannot be obtained by farming, only opening purchase boxes (Pay to win) will be why the community is upset Bobo. Español por que es un item que no se puede conseguir farmeando, solo abriendo cajitas de donacion(Paga y Ganas) sera por eso que la comunidad se molesta Bobo.
  13. ¿Has anyone gotten an greater rune in this event ?
  14. The big problem is that it became a casino game instead of the roll game it was, Here wins who has the biggest wallet.
  15. I recommend you keep your krishna weapon and leave it full element (450) it is much better than an bleesed exalted.You can Augment And Three Special hability.
  16. At the end of this maintenance , one week of freedom Easyyyyy Life! More of the same
  17. Do we have an anniversary ? Really! There is no Advertising on the website...
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