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Everything posted by Serigoth

  1. You at Ncwest/Soft/Wherever are delete crazy! And that's not cool... you really should consider changing that. For example: I went this whole event getting letter and another account to help build the amount that i could bring in so that at the end of the event I could gather all i have found and use them, as I know the cut off day of event and obstain what I had in one sitting towards the end of the event. I use my letters and obtain some decent things, but mostly buffs as we all did i'm sure, just because the higher chance rate. So here I sit with 150+ per buff, which I'm feeling good about it that I have obtained some things and thought good little event there overall. NOPE... I was all wrong. Ilog after maintenence and find EVERY BUFF, which pretty much means More than 3/4 of the letters/ items I obtained during the hunting letters of the event are absolutely GONE. It's my fault as to not reading the event properly I suppose, HOWEVER... Why must the OBTAINED items because of participation be deleted??!!! That's Insaneee!! I participated in the event and got my letters, which resulted in me getting those items. I earned them. Why are they deleted?? Why should it matter if someone bought 300 shiny boxes and kept them in inv. for a year before opening them. They BOUGHT them! Same thing happened to me on the cookie too! Of course the letters. Event is over. Why the items we EARNED??! Absolute Insanity I haven't logged back in since. I'm just disgusted all that time and work... shits just gone. *poof*
  2. You not giving any compensation packages or nothing? Just interupt middle of play... Maybe do this before reset???
  3. Tried many times, even made themselves new emails to try the new Assassin!!!. Is it just us?? I thought the part of Game advancement was to 'GROW'. Perhaps I am wrong. I'm not knocking, However I read the forums and see many people are not happy, well quit playing. after sooo many years, youre still here np? I just recently came back as I do, from time to time, but I gotta say again, wasnt "growth" apart of the game? after Decades and all the technology, why wipe all the quests? I undertand new story direction, but wheres the quest? Story us to awakening, then just grind kill with no real story to continue and keep those involved, even for grind festers, theres no value. I play because of the nostalgia from initia release after coming back. Where after decades is there any real story?? Quests that tell story??? decades to go backwards , that a shame. I know throne and liberty is taking all your time and talent, so no story there either i assume. If so very minimal. Or lack of real goal catching outside of spending real money. For a NEW player it's impossible for them to remotely make billions of adena to buy from any player a long term investment. Idc about who's on top, but as a 20$ here and there spender there's still NO WAY to compete the market. I feel for those who nostalgically come back and see what this has turned to. Why has it went backwards? What happened to soo much of the map that's no longer utilized and turned to outrageous grind fest. Like 20-30 main areas really. Grind is fine, but least give a goal on why, instead of the exalted same ol thing and not feel accomplished. Seems empty and dead inside anymore. I LOVE THIS GAME, the potential for absolute incredible things has always been here for it, but damn wtf happened guys??? Anyone who downloads this game as long as it's been released should have thier mind blown. It's beautiful, but um..... yeeeaaahhh THAT PART! I feel like it's started over so many times now. Bring some rich real story quests, fix the insane chance rates for about anything, and yeah... where is the March monthly gift anyways? I look for the post daily. May as well kept the cookies for anyoneWould be if the cookies extra xp were still here to go with it. Can't even buy these pots. I'm not even doing your box game. The chances are too outrageous to get anything good. Always will be, I get what's guaranteed. Not Lotto chances! I'd play the real lotto before i buy fkn toon boxes at your rates... see what i'm saying though? come on guys. I know you can really make this game into what it once was. Seems you're letting the consumer consume you with all their bitching . Some i see for good reason, then alot, i see i laugh about. L8r. Email me my march monthly lol. L8r -Player since birth-
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