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Everything posted by S17V3R

  1. Hello @GM_EVA Thank you for restoring my Dethrone Skills.. 1 more issue my fighting spirit skill was restored to Level 0 100%.. Basically this skill was Level 2 already with percentage on it. Its quite hard to swallow that skills have had issue for more than 1 month already and still not fixed on my side.. No compensation also.. I don't know if I can enchant my skills or not.. more than a month without progress on my side.. Just Check my account for reference. Frustrating x2. @Rimmer Barely fixed.. Still have issue.
  2. @GM_EVA @Hermes Please check again this issue. 1 month now and my account is still untouched. Still Fire skill Level 0. You fixed only the accounts on cross server issue and not the accounts that is not included in the cross server issue. Frustrating.
  3. @Hermes Sir Please fix the code for February in Live Server. Thank you in advance.
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