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  1. Realmente se vuelve insoportable y frustrante. incluso pienso en dejar de jugar e irme a otro servidor por esto, por que si es un juego cooperativo, no puede solo premiar a los jugadores que destruyen la buena convivencia de este. It really gets unbearable and frustrating. I even think about stopping playing and going to another server for this, because if it's a cooperative game, it can't only reward players who destroy the good coexistence of it.
  2. Soy un personaje que tiene varios pjs en ub mismo clan, mi mejor arma es A+0 y mi mejor set es B+2, claramente nunca podre competir contra ellos y por mas que intento conversar con ellos nada se puede hacer en los ultimos dias me han matado mas de 500 veces lo que hace imposible crecer en el juego ni menos poder conseguir adena o objetos. Considero que debe ser mucho mas severo el castigo para pk y que no sea solo una masacre sin razon. como dijieron anteriormente, que puedan perder objetos o que se puedan ganar recompenzas por eliminar a un pk, que no sea de la misma cuenta, ip or clan, porque sera otro abuso mas., en cada pasada matan a mas de 30 pjs que intentan leveliar con buenos modales I am a character that has several pjs in the same clan, my best weapon is A+0 and my best set is B+2, clearly I will never be able to compete against them and no matter how hard I try to talk to them, nothing can be done in the last days I have been killed more than 500 times, which makes it impossible to grow in the game, let alone be able to get adena or objects. I believe that the punishment for pk should be much more severe and that it not be just a massacre for no reason. as they said before, that they can lose objects or that they can win rewards for eliminating a pk, that is not from the same account, ip or clan, because it will be another abuse, in each pass they kill more than 30 pjs that try to level with good manners AKclana2 Clan
  3. Some pj from PB killing 25 or more lvl of difference with no reasson, if the players have a good set like top S, maybe its possible war under cover, but with set moonlight its no reasson
  4. But the penalty for difference of lvl in a party it's super important for no boot everywhere, right now look 1 guy in automatic and 8 boot recive experience, if take of lvl experience that guys will be in lvl 80 areas and lvl so quick. i think it's really unfair for people without resource
  5. I play in oceania and the event time for shop event it's open 3 am and 7 am. I go to work 6 am and i can't collect my rewards. It's possible change the time for 10 or 12 hr between the open activity. For let me any chance to collect? Second. Someone know where is recipe durable metal plate?
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