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Posts posted by Thenlwn

  1. Actually you are crying like a kid. My works softwares are worse than the software that you Mentioned. I am needing to use a lot of web analysis and network debugging. Screen shotting and keyboard logging is nothing. I can know how L2 is working via that with few efforts.

    You are just spreading hates to hide your friend's fault and pointing out others fault and crying like why only me. Isn't that possible hackers trying to use your friend's IP? that's why I said if you think you are victim you find out. But if you don't know how to, you Are a ceo of online game business, how will you solve this problem. If you can find, you can also have clue to your friend's case.

    As I said. finding solution for generalised problem is hard. only you know is fishing. Nothing more. Explaining to the people who don't know the possibilities and reasoning is very hard and waste of time.

  2. Mate, I don't really know your cases, but your case is so simple, you were banned while fishing. This is only you say so. What is the case behind? did you do something wrong? If you are a victim of other people's action, find out that. But NCWest is official server. They didn't do that kind of action without strong reasons. 

    Example, 2 years ago, My friend couldn't logged in to server while NCWest implemented AI based game protection system. He did try to log in with automatic log in system. as soon as he tired, his account was banned forever. A whole clan tried to summit tickets for him. but unrecoverable. because it is serious case.

    Like now, adena selling/buying/scamming bots (real bots) are sending mailing and PM to everyone who pass near them by using network packet tracing techniques, if solution is found, they will get permanent ban. So your case should be serious things like this.

    So, you just present only the fishing. we can know nothing about your case without you speak out. and NCWest will not announce the reason of banning for you publicly. Only you know why. It is sure you violate the serious rule of game beside fishing. If you believe you are victim of other people's action, try to solve. But I don't think so. 

    So, just stop complaining for your sins and spreading hates.

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