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Posts posted by Kinete

  1. 20 minutes ago, LightRider said:

    Well, get some friends that are able to stay on and grind so they are able to defend you while you auto assist off them.

    There are solutions, people just need to apply them.

    Your first suggestion having been proven only somewhat workable (depending on your server) you've moved on to the next step which contradicts your first post.

    I'm just wondering if you've actually ever been crit by a magnus? I lost half my health instantly and didn't even have time to figure out where the actual summoner was before I was dead. Even at 80 with top jewels you will still take lots of damage from the pet while the summoner rides off because the pet control range is insane and they can direct their pet to attack while mounted. Bonus points on the off chance you actually manage to almost corner the summoner they just vanish instantly in one click. Then they show up 5-30 minutes later to try again.

    The game's PK system is broken badly right now and that effects our ability to farm in general.

  2. 1 hour ago, LightRider said:

    You have the ability to set yourself up afk to farm, stop complaining about drop rates and utilize the resources you have.

    This is a korean mmo which means things take time to get. Get over it.

    That is true and also true is that on my server you'll be PKed within a couple hours of starting. Some nights it's within 30 minutes of even setting up in the zone.

  3. 7 hours ago, Krissa said:

    Assuming 4k bots per servers, 40 hours per week of work, it means that you need to ban 100 bots per hour without accidentally banning legit players. Are you sure you are that fast? Are you sure you will actually be able to ban 4k bots manually before quitting your unpaid "job"?

    And how fast do you think botters can create new botting accounts?

    Pretty darn fast based on the few behind the scenes videos I've seen of bot farmer setups.

    The dude is overly optimistic about everything involved here.



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