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Posts posted by Styxess

  1. On 3/28/2018 at 10:59 PM, SinPalabras said:

    Started on Devianne back when shots weren't automated and you damn near got arthritis clicking them; back when making it just to level 10 took a few days; back when agro Trees scared the sh** out of everybody;  back when players would regularly get PK'ed coming out of the serpentine tunnel from DE Village; back when you dropped items on death, especially that Cedar Staff that took you forever to save up enough adena to buy; back when you actually had to decide if you were going to spend money on shots or go without, because you couldn't afford to hunt with them all of the time and still afford other equipment; back when no one could afford to use teleports, so you ran everywhere; and if you did teleport to Gludio, your computer would likely lock up for several minutes because the lag was that bad; back when everyone's new best friend was either a dwarf crafter or a buffer/healer.

    That is so true!  I remember those days well!

    Some of my old clans - beginning clans - from Devianne:  DarkLight (May/June 2004), Mercenaries (best Clan by far, started summer of 2004 - Auri, Greenie, Mars, Unem (just wow), Neo, lots more, old gang - was there til the end), Bloody Pirates, Syndicate, etc. Spent some time.... with Wretched Outcasts there long afterwards (yes - Slycutter.....funny, we fought them in the first big Siege at Heine castle back in the day [I died at least a dozen times during that siege - but took at least twice as many....lots of running back!], and we ended up together for a time....actually, pretty good guy)...those were the days.  I remember that first giant Siege near Dion in 2004 - - talk about lag, that was crazy....but so much fun!

    Started out on Devianne during Prelude (April-May 2004).  Character is Styxess, and yes, also started out (and stayed) on Devianne for as long as it was there.  Been gone here and there a lot - but was fairly serious back in the day (2005-2008).  Then got deployed with the Army, a few times.  Came back, and they changed the login, and wiped out my character (a lot of work gone).  I play extremely casual now - cam back last fall of 2017, after being gone for over 5 years (I was not happy with NCSoft for wiping my character while I was deployed - nothing I could do about that, and they didn't give a da@n).  I'm just working back - 103 (Feoh Storm Screamer...as always)/100 (Feoh Archmage).  Game has changed a lot.

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