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Posts posted by Vexi

  1. So now european server is following Ncwest action and remove greedy chests also(not temporary). If there will be another method to insert items in game with equal chances for all players worth the waiting, but if not then how normal people are supposed to gear themselves if Ncwest cut all? and don't say to pay cause with these prices the only option is to leave game or just let mobs kill you(pvp is out of the question), prices for jewels are already sky high and unreachable for most while whales stay with warehouses full with jewels

  2. As far as i know you get ban for that, and since you put that on the table GM's should verify and ban accounts who use virtual machines because there are "camera" on spots where greedy chests appear and they are killed in 1 min  therefore normal people have no chance to find or kill any chest, this is out of control.

  3. 10 minutes ago, mrpa1n said:

    Well you tried the Vitality tehnic and it backfired now you nerfing the adena buff from 30 to 15  sec ?

    I will be canceling my Prestige subscriptions and i urge everyone else to do the same .

    Do not play this event guys ... it might look tasty .... but we did not sign up to play slot machines in order to enjoy this game , put that into consideration before you play this event .

    I have the fund and the money to do it ... but out off protest i will not ... because what they are doing are pushing more and more .... well my patience snapped .

    Congrats NC for loosing one off your biggest customers .


    PS: If there is no way off making adena on the server ... why dont you str8 up ask 2k$ for any greater jewels and 10$ for 1b adena ...

    Cause this is what you are doing now .... removing all ways off making in game currency and promoting buying more and more  .


    I am out off patience .

    You can follow my path, share  items and play with exalted  gear. for me is quite peacefull right now because there is no race for gearing up myself

  4. On 3/1/2020 at 12:32 PM, Caballeros said:

    I think they are more happy when game life is more hard and players are frustrated....

    You nailed it actually. You as a player need to be kept in that box and not to think outside of it, the level of satisfaction given is little and in small portion so you dont quit l2 but not too much either. The harder you get things they have more value to you as a player which is a lie since they are virtual items but you dont see that or dont want to accept that because you are trapped already in their grand scheme and you will close eyes and pay for every virtual service they are offering to you.

  5. 7 hours ago, Draecke said:

    Fyi NC Japan is releasing the latest update from Korea tomorrow which means almost all the follow up patches/updates from after Prelude of War aka incl. the Fantasy Harmony etc. as well all the other ISS / Tank / Tyr / Healer changes (mainly improvements)

    Can you say please about what improvements are you talking on those classes and also how do you think they will affect future gameplay for them, ty in advance.

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